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Communications Manager Salaries near Jacksonville, FL

Average Base Salary


Min: $64KMax: $224K

If you're looking for a dynamic and thriving city to kickstart your career as a Communications Manager, look no further than sunny Jacksonville, FL. With its booming economy and countless industries, this coastal city offers a plethora of opportunities to communication professionals looking to make their mark. As a Communications Manager, you'll be responsible for crafting and implementing strategic messaging across various channels, building relationships with stakeholders, and ensuring consistent brand communication. Whether you work in the healthcare industry, corporate sector, or nonprofit organizations, Jacksonville offers a diverse range of companies where you can put your communication skills to the test. The welcoming community, beautiful beaches, and vibrant arts scene are just the icing on the cake for this career hotspot. So, why not start your professional journey as a Communications Manager in Jacksonville, FL? The possibilities are endless!

Communications Manager Jobs near Jacksonville, FL