We see a lot of job ads here at The Muse. And for every 100 listings for a sales associate or customer support representative, we see something a little bit more clever or unique. And it makes us smile.
But today? Well, we had to applaud this brilliant job ad from onefinestay.
You’ve probably seen job ads for rock stars and ninjas, but have you ever seen one for “wolf?” Because that’s exactly what onefinestay is looking for.
No, the team isn’t looking for a new office pet, they’re looking for a hard-working recent grad who knows how to seriously get stuff done. Their inspiration for the job title? This guy from the movie Pulp Fiction, who is famously known as a man you can rely on no matter what.
You’ll have the opportunity to be involved in every part of the business, from sourcing new home locations, meeting guests, optimizing processes, and analyzing data to providing insight to the business. Think of this job as The Wolf from Pulp Fiction: No matter what is happening, you’re the right-hand-guy who comes in and solves it.
What makes this job ad so amazing? It describes clear as day what the job will entail, but it stands out from the crowd. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you’re are a job seeker or a job poster, doing something creative to get noticed (in a good way) will always have its advantages.
Think you have what it takes to be the Wolf at onefinestay? Apply now.
Have an awesome job title we should hear about? Tweet us at @dailymuse.