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How to Stay Sane When Waiting to Hear Back About a Job You Really, Really Want

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You’ve found it: the dream job. Not just that, but you made it through the final round of interviews. Now, all you have to do is wait—and it’s killing you.

OK, you’re not literally dying. But it’s all you can think about. You rehash every interview answer as you lay in bed at night. You check your email so much that you have to bring a phone charger with you everywhere you go.

You’re checking your spam filter every 30 minutes and texting your mom (or your significant other, or your BFF, or whomever will let it slide) hourly about whether or not you’ve heard back. Then you realize that this is not sustainable.

Hiring processes can drag on, and you’re going to need to keep being a person in the meantime. Here are some strategies to get through this time.

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How to stay calm while waiting to hear back from an employer

When you're waiting for job offers, the best you can do is keep yourself busy with what you can control—which might not only calm your nerves but also open new doors for you.

1. Focus on the present and be productive

It's OK to spend a moment lost in thoughts of your dream job. But after that, put your mind (and your hands) to work. Since you don’t get to decide when a potential employer will get back to you, focus on what you can control, starting with your professional life:

  • Update your LinkedIn profile and make new connections—if this opportunity doesn’t work out, you’ll already have a head start on your next search.
  • Prepare to negotiate salary and benefits—if you get an offer, knowing your worth and having a strategy will help you secure better terms.
  • Take that online certification you've been putting off—it’ll keep you engaged and strengthen your resume.
  • Stay updated on job market trends—with artificial intelligence (AI) reshaping industries, you might discover new opportunities or skills worth learning.

On days when anxiety is driving you especially bonkers, execute multi-step tasks. When it’s time to cook dinner, try that one complicated recipe that requires all your attention not to screw up. Or declutter your closet or kitchen cabinets and get lost in the process.

2. Follow up—but be mindful of your wording

When following up with a potential employer, it’s standard to wait at least a week before reaching out. If that time has passed and they haven’t specified when you should expect to hear back, follow up. It may not completely calm your nerves, but it can give you a definitive answer or a more concrete timeline.

Just be cautious with how you go about it. You don’t want to come across as desperate or entitled—it won’t do you any favors. The employer doesn’t need to know that you’re anxiously refreshing your inbox every five minutes, so save that story for when you’re hired and it becomes just a funny, relatable anecdote.

So, how to follow up after an interview? Be concise, polite, and considerate with the employer's time. For example:

Hi Jill,

I’m checking in on the sales manager position. I really enjoyed our meeting last week and I’m looking forward to your update. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can forward along to assist in the decision-making process.

Thank you,

Charlotte Smith


4. Keep searching and applying for jobs

Even if you're sure you aced that interview, you might not get the job. Depending on the employer, you might never hear back from your follow-up email. (Recruiting ghosting is a real thing.)

Usually, it has nothing to do with your performance. They might have found someone they liked more, decided to freeze hiring to save money, or made an internal hire. Either way, you should be prepared for the worst and keep searching and applying for jobs.

Best case scenario: You land your dream job and politely decline any other offers along the way—which is much better than betting everything on this one opportunity and ending up disappointed.

5. Keep yourself distracted with hobbies

You know how you can lose track of time when you're doing something you really enjoy? Now’s the perfect time to dedicate a few hours to a hobby you're passionate about.

You can exercise—nothing like a feel-good rush of serotonin and endorphins—or play video games, build a Lego, or binge-watch your favorite TV show. Or, if you're into books, crack open the one sitting on your “to read” pile. Basically, do anything that's fun and distracting.

It’s also a great time to connect with friends and family—and ask how things are going with them. It’ll give them a nice reprieve if all they’ve heard about for the last three months is your search.

6. Try anxiety management exercises

Mindfulness meditation is a proven way to reduce stress, and it can also help reduce anxiety. The American Psychological Association (APA) breaks it down into two steps:

  1. Attention: Focus on what is happening in the present moment. Pay attention to your breath, thoughts, and physical sensations.
  2. Acceptance: Accept your feelings and sensations without judgment. Instead of reacting to them, simply note them and let them go.

Meditating might feel a bit silly at first, but it’s a simple and effective way to care for your mental health and help you survive the madness of today’s job market. Or try a simple gratitude exercise, and list the positive outcomes of your job-search process, regardless of whether you get the position or not.

Consider everything you did right to that point. Did you take a risk with your cover letter that paid off? Maybe you asked a few new questions in your interview? Or maybe, you’re realizing that all of the hard work you’re doing at your current company really is impressive and you’re in a different league than you were during your last job search. All of these things will help you go far—and means you won’t be back at square one—even if you have to start looking again in a few weeks.

Do it for you and your future self

Staying calm isn’t just good for you. If you need a job-centric reason, remember, it’s important to your candidacy, too. If you do get offered the position, you’re going to want your nonchalant game face handy. (If you’re 100% excited, 100% of the time, you may 100% say “yes” to the very first offer and forget to negotiate your salary.)

It’s also important to keep living your life because honestly, there’s a chance you won’t get the job. If your life has been one big obsession with how it’s going to change with this new opportunity, you’re going to feel the sting of not getting the role even more. (Yep, it sucks.)

Give each reaction its own proper space and time. If you feel yourself obsessing, remember: It’s OK to freak out sometimes, but also give yourself enough credit to know that you can keep your emotions in check and be patient other times, too.


How long to hear back from job application?

Typically, it takes at least two weeks to hear back after an interview. However, given the current competitive job market, employers often have a large pool of qualified candidates to review, interview, and get back to. As a result, it can sometimes take several weeks before you receive any feedback.

Why am I not hearing back from jobs?

There are several possible reasons why you're not hearing back. It could be something with your application—perhaps your resume isn’t ATS-friendly or you're using an outdated format. Perhaps you're relying too much on AI in your cover letter, which can make it feel impersonal or lacking in credibility. Or, you could be in a competitive field or industry that's slowing down, making it harder to land a job. If you're not hearing back after one or two rounds of interviews, it might be due to a lack of preparation for common interview questions.

What are some signs you will get the job after the interview?

There are multiple signs that you might get the job after an interview. Some of the most common include being taken on a company tour and introduced to the team, having a longer interview where the conversation turns more casual, and being asked about your salary expectations.

Is it normal to wait two weeks after an interview?

Yes, it is. In the current job market, candidates might have to wait two to several weeks before hearing back from an interviewer.

Amanda Cardoso contributed to the latest version of this article.