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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Break Room

10 Cringe-Worthy Office Pick-up Lines

According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, 40% of people have dated a co-worker at least once in their career. (And to think I’ve spent all this time toiling away on Tinder!)

Which got me thinking: If it's okay to date co-workers, I better come up with a good way to ask them them out. So, I've compiled 10 pick-up lines, perfect to drop around the office for that special someone you've got your eye on.

Actually, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll get you fired (or at least slapped)—so read on, but harass your co-workers at your own risk.

  1. "I may not be the most handsome guy using the copier, but right now, I'm the only one making you wait for it."
  2. "Are you from accounting? Because I was ac-counting on seeing you later."
  3. "Can you file a workplace safety incident report? I just fell for you."
  4. "Come here often? Every day? From 9 to 5? Yeah, I guess that is often."
  5. "I bet it was your hotness that caused today's mandatory fire drill."
  6.  "Do you have the Wi-Fi password—because I'm feeling this connection."
  7. "The only thing dirtier than those dishes is how much I want to—oh, wait, no, those are really dirty."
  8. "Can I borrow a pen? I need it to write down your number when I ask you for it later today because I didn't want to look it up in the employee directory."
  9. "Can I expense you a drink?"
  10. "How about we slip out of these suits and into something a little more casual Friday?"
  11. Have an office-worthy pick-up line? We want to hear it in the comments section!