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Research Engineer II

Bellingham, MA


Come join our diverse research team and help us in this new era of innovation! Collaborate across departments, sites and more broadly with the scientific and technical community worldwide.

Waters Global Research is looking for an energetic and a talented Research Engineer to join our dynamic Global Research group. As part of our multi-disciplinary team, you will play a crucial role in developing innovative analytical systems. Your expertise will directly impact the creation of next-generation

The Waters Global Research team performs early, cutting-edge research on novel separation technologies and automation systems used in measurements of the life, food, and materials sciences industries. We are committed to understanding customer needs and pivoting these insights into new and exciting technologies to address those needs. Our team is a cross-functional research segment in Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Clinical, Chemistry and Informatics and is dedicated to exploring technologies and developing novel system solutions for the critical problems of the life sciences. Waters is dedicated to solving problems that matter, achieving greater sustainability, and fostering a culture of inclusion and equity.

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  • Collaborate closely with senior engineers and scientists to advance liquid chromatography instrumentation.
  • Focus on critical areas such as opto-mechanical components and mechanisms to enclose, retain, and maintain alignment of optical elements, fluid and thermal subsystems, material science, electro-mechanical components, mechanisms, and controls.
  • Conduct rigorous engineering analysis, testing, and design tasks.
  • Lead prototype builds and early development activities, ensuring precision and innovation.
  • Drive detailed mechanical design for components, sub-assemblies, and top-level instruments.
  • Perform comprehensive analyses of mechanical, fluidic, and thermal aspects to enhance existing designs.
  • Assemble and meticulously test electro/mechanical prototypes.
  • Participate actively in ideation sessions, contributing fresh ideas and insights.
  • Maintain thorough project documentation, including engineering reports, functional specifications, procedures, and patent filings.



  • M.S. in Engineering, or related field with 2+ years of relevant experience.
  • B.S. in Engineering, or related field with 4+ years of relevant experience.

Key Experience:

  • Interdisciplinary engineering background, Opto-mechanical systems, and application of engineering principles.
  • CAD experience required; SolidWorks preferred
  • Experience with coding languages i.e., C+, Python, Matlab, and LabVIEW is a plus.
  • Familiarity with Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T).
  • Experience in both design and manufacturing of optical systems
  • Proven record of accomplishment in design, highlighting your ability to innovate and solve engineering challenges.
  • Rapid prototyping, machining experience, additive manufacturing, etc.

Desired Skills:

  • Innovative mindset and adaptability to diverse ideas.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Effective communication, analytical, and decision-making skills.
  • Proficient in oral and written English communication.

We know that sometimes the perfect candidate does not exist, and that people can be put off applying for a job if they do not fit all the requirements. If you are excited about working for us and have most of the skills or experience we are looking for, please go ahead and apply. You could be just what we need! We believe strongly in the value of diversity and creating supportive, inclusive environments where our colleagues can succeed. As such, Waters is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Company Description

Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT), the world's leading specialty measurement company, has pioneered chromatography, mass spectrometry and thermal analysis innovations serving the life, materials, and food sciences for more than 60 years. With more than 7,000 employees worldwide, Waters operates directly in 35 countries, including 15 manufacturing facilities, with products available in more than 100 countries. Our team focuses on creating business advantages for laboratory-dependent organizations to enable significant advancement in healthcare delivery, environmental management, food safety, and water quality.

Working at Waters enables our employees to unlock the potential of their careers. Our global team is driven by purpose. We strive to be better, learn and improve every day in everything we do. We're the problem solvers and innovators that aren't afraid to take risks to transform the world of human health and well-being. We're all in it together delivering benefit as one to provide the insights needed today in order to solve the challenges of tomorrow.

Diversity and inclusion are fundamental to our core values at Waters Corporation. It is our responsibility to actively implement programs and practices to drive inclusive behavior and increase diversity across the organization. We are united by diversity and thrive on it for the benefit of our employees, our products, our customers and our community. Waters is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, gender identity or protected Veteran status.

Client-provided location(s): Milford, MA, USA
Job ID: Waters-20601
Employment Type: Full Time