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Sr. RF/Microwave Engineer

Redmond, WA

SpaceX was founded under the belief that a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is fundamentally more exciting than one where we are not. Today SpaceX is actively developing the technologies to make this possible, with the ultimate goal of enabling human life on Mars.


At SpaceX, we’re leveraging our experience in building rockets and spacecraft to deploy Starlink, the world’s most advanced broadband internet system. Starlink is the world’s largest satellite constellation and is providing fast, reliable internet to 2M+ users worldwide. We design, build, test, and operate all parts of the system – thousands of satellites, consumer receivers that allow users to connect within minutes of unboxing, and the software that brings it all together. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface of Starlink’s potential global impact and are looking for best-in-class engineers to help maximize Starlink’s utility for communities and businesses around the globe.

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Our Satellite Payload Engineering team develops the RF devices that power our satellites and ground antennas - from power amplifiers to waveguide components to reflectors to antennae. The ideal candidate will be part of a multidisciplinary team focused on developing all elements of new high performance wireless digital communication systems from antenna to protocol level. You will be responsible for the design, implementation and verification of the electrical hardware for the satellites and ground communication systems.


  • Simulate and model communication systems
  • Work with system architects, RF engineers, antenna engineers, modem/DSP, and ASIC engineers to partition functions between hardware and software domains
  • Assess feasibility of various designs in support of architectural definition
  • Deriving top-level specifications for RF links and RF and antenna subsystems
  • Characterize and analyze system performance
  • Provide technical support to regulatory, coordination, and market access teams


  • Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, physics or other engineering discipline
  • 5+ years of research and/or industry experience in the areas of RF/microwave circuit design 
  • 1+ years of experience using one of the 3D EM simulation tools (CST, HFSS, FEKO, SEMCAD, EMPro, TICRA or XFDTD)


  • Master’s degree in electrical or computer engineering discipline with emphasis in RF/microwave circuits or electromagnetic theory
  • Experience with design of linear and non-linear circuits such as power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, mixers, filters and PLLs
  • Thorough understanding of RF passive components
  • Familiar with radio related test equipment such as spectrum analyzers, vector signal analyzers, vector signal generator, network analyzers
  • Experience characterizing radio performance at microwave frequencies
  • Knowledge of digital communication systems, spread spectrum, single and multi-carrier techniques and modulation types such as QPSK, APSK and QAM
  • RF/microwave design using ADS, HFSS, AWR or similar
  • Understanding of electromagnetic propagation and antenna systems
  • Schematic and layout using Altium Designer or other PCB design tool
  • Experience in Matlab, Python, C++ or equivalent tools for modeling and analyzing RF systems
  • Python and/or LabVIEW programming experience for test automation
  • Digital communication theory with emphasis on bit error rate and system noise figure
  • RF/microwave design in the Ku, Ka, V and E-band frequency range


  • Ability to work extended hours or weekends as needed for mission critical deadlines


Pay range:         
RF Systems Engineer/Senior: $160,000.00 - $220,000.00/per year      

Your actual level and base salary will be determined on a case-by-case basis and may vary based on the following considerations: job-related knowledge and skills, education, and experience.

Base salary is just one part of your total rewards package at SpaceX. You may also be eligible for long-term incentives, in the form of company stock, stock options, or long-term cash awards, as well as potential discretionary bonuses and the ability to purchase additional stock at a discount through an Employee Stock Purchase Plan. You will also receive access to comprehensive medical, vision, and dental coverage, access to a 401(k) retirement plan, short and long-term disability insurance, life insurance, paid parental leave, and various other discounts and perks. You may also accrue 3 weeks of paid vacation and will be eligible for 10 or more paid holidays per year. Exempt employees are eligible for 5 days of sick leave per year.


  • To conform to U.S. Government export regulations, applicant must be a (i) U.S. citizen or national, (ii) U.S. lawful, permanent resident (aka green card holder), (iii) Refugee under 8 U.S.C. § 1157, or (iv) Asylee under 8 U.S.C. § 1158, or be eligible to obtain the required authorizations from the U.S. Department of State. Learn more about the ITAR here.  

SpaceX is an Equal Opportunity Employer; employment with SpaceX is governed on the basis of merit, competence and qualifications and will not be influenced in any manner by race, color, religion, gender, national origin/ethnicity, veteran status, disability status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, mental or physical disability or any other legally protected status.

Applicants wishing to view a copy of SpaceX’s Affirmative Action Plan for veterans and individuals with disabilities, or applicants requiring reasonable accommodation to the application/interview process should notify the Human Resources Department at (310) 363-6000.

Client-provided location(s): Redmond, WA, USA
Job ID: 7321723002
Employment Type: Other