You’ve tailored your resume to this job, written a knockout cover letter, nailed nearly every single interview question, and you’ve even shared your salary expectations and provided references. You don’t think—you know you're getting this job offer. But...yep, there’s a but. You owe it to yourself to ask a few more questions before you actually sign the paperwork. At the very least, answering these prompts will reaffirm just how perfect this new job is for you. Worst case: You discover that you might be headed for Shift Shock, or worse, a toxic work environment. And isn’t it better to find out now?
How this works in practice: Once you get the call, thank the company for the offer—and don’t say yes on the spot. Instead, go with something like, “I’m really looking forward to receiving the official offer letter, and once I give everything a look I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
As you look over those details, mentally fill in the blanks on the questions below. And if you need more information from the company, schedule a call by reiterating your excitement and asking to clarify a few points. Which can be any of the following:
Questions to ask about the job
At the very least, make sure you and the employer are on the same page about the basics of the job and what success will look like.
- Do you have a solid understanding of the work you’ll be doing every day?
- Have you agreed on a job title that accurately describes the work you’ll be doing, fits into the company’s existing structure, and meets your professional goals?
- How will your success be measured? What are the specific goals and outcomes, and how will you be evaluated?
- What are the business hours, and what schedule will you be expected to work?
- Will you be expected to work overtime and are you exempt or non-exempt from overtime pay?
- Will you be able to work remotely some or all of the time?
- What are the expectations for how often you’ll be working in the office?
- What is the start date, and when does the company need to have your decision?
If you need more information
If you don’t already have it, ask for a copy of the job description and review all of the expectations and responsibilities. If there are differences between what you discussed in the interview and what you see in the job description, or if you have lingering questions, call the hiring manager to get clarification. They’re probably as eager as you are (if not more so) to have you start.
Questions to ask about salary and benefits
Your salary and benefits package is a crucial factor when considering a job offer. For one, it’s much easier to negotiate on these items before you start the job than it will be down the line. Plus, benefits vary widely from company to company, so you don’t want to assume anything.
- Is the salary in line with comparable positions in your area, and does it work for your personal budget? If not, are you able to negotiate?
- What does the benefits package include, and for what benefits are you eligible? When does your eligibility begin?
- Are there other benefits the company offers its employees—things like gym memberships, flexible work hours, tuition reimbursement, or wellness programs?
- Are employees encouraged to use their allotted PTO—whether it’s sick, vacation, or personal days?
- Are there other financial considerations you should make—like a longer or more expensive commute?
- If you’re relocating for the job, is the company offering any financial support?
- If you’re a remote employee, is there a stipend or allowance for your home office?
If you need more information
These details should be in the formal offer letter. If you don’t have one, make sure the salary and other key details of the position are put in writing. If you have questions about how your salary compares in your field, do some research on sites like Salary.com or Payscale, or ask your network for advice. When it comes to benefits, most companies have plenty of documentation to offer, including co-pays, deductibles, and eligibility periods. Don’t be afraid to ask for it, or ask to speak with a benefits specialist or HR rep.
Questions to ask about the hiring manager
The quality of your supervisor can make or break your happiness in the position, so be sure that you’re comfortable with your boss-to-be.
- What do you think about the person to whom you’ll be reporting?
- Is your supervisor someone you can learn from, and who can and will help you grow?
- Will you be given the tools and support you need in order to be successful?
- How do your work styles align?
- How closely will you be working with your manager?
- How often will they expect you to check in?
If you need more information
If you didn’t get to connect with your supervisor during the interview process, see if you can set up a 20-minute meeting before accepting the position, and ask any of the questions above. Plan B: Ask if you can talk to another employee who reports to the same supervisor. Keep things light, but ask questions that can shed light on this person: “How would you describe their management style?” or “What do you like best about working for them?”
Questions to ask about the work culture
We spend far too much time at work to not be happy in the environment. Make sure it and the people you'll be working with are a good fit.
- Are you comfortable with the company culture and working environment?
- Is this a work environment you can be productive in?
- Is the company primarily in-office employees, remote employees, or is the workforce more of a hybrid? How is company culture maintained depending on where and how you work?
- Have you met your new coworkers? Can you see yourself getting along with them in a professional setting?
- Do employees socialize with each other?
- Does the company facilitate a work-life balance that lets you have the life you want?
- Is this a company that you can believe in and feel excited and passionate about?
- Do you feel confident in the financial stability of the company?
- Does upper management appear to uphold company values, and do those values align with what you want in a workplace?
- Is this a company you’d be proud to work for?
If you need more information
Try getting in touch with a current or former employee to ask about their experience. No luck? Read through the company’s website, social media accounts, or profile on The Muse. Another sneaky tip: Look up current and past employees on LinkedIn. Do people typically stay for years and years? If the company has high turnover, that could be telling.
Questions to ask about your goals
Finally, as excited as you might be about getting a job offer, it’s important not to lose sight of your short- and long-term professional goals—as well as any other priorities in your orbit.
- Are you genuinely excited about this job—not just about getting an offer?
- What are you looking for in your next job, and does this position fit the bill?
- Will this position be interesting and challenging to you?
- Why did you leave (or are you leaving) your last job? Does this job have any of the same issues?
- Am I comfortable doing this job—and do I actually want to do it?
- Does the position use your talents and skills appropriately?
- Will the position help you advance your professional goals? If it doesn’t, what are you getting out of it?
- Will this job allow you to maintain the life you want outside of work?
- Does this job fit into your career narrative?
If you need more information
Unfortunately, no one at the company can answer these questions for you. Do some serious thinking around your long-term goals and how this position fits into them. If you need more time to consider the offer, it's not a guaranteed yes, but you can always ask for it.
Once you’ve answered these questions, you can accept the position (or not) knowing that you’ve made the most informed decision possible. And remember: No matter how grim the job market may look, you don’t have to take any position that comes your way. After all, it’s worth finding a job where you’ll truly thrive—and that won't have you looking again a few months down the line.
Regina Borsellino and Lily Zhang contributed to the latest version of this article.