Victoria Pynchon
Victoria Pynchon is an attorney who practiced commercial litigation for 25 years. Since 2004, she has been mediating and arbitrating commercial disputes—the former with ADR Services, Inc. in Century City and the latter with the American Arbitration Association in Los Angeles. In 2010, she founded She Negotiates Consulting and Training with her business partner Lisa Gates. In 2006, Victoria earned her legal masters degree in Dispute Resolution. She has been teaching negotiation and providing negotiation consulting services to lawyers, executives, professionals and entrepreneurs ever since. She is the author of two books, The Grownups' ABCs of Conflict Resolution (2010) and Success as a Mediator for Dummies (2012).
ARTICLES BY Victoria Pynchon

byVictoria Pynchon
Q&A: Can I Negotiate Without Leaving My Job?

byVictoria Pynchon
8 Facts That Should Scare Every Woman Into Asking for a Raise This Year

byVictoria Pynchon
4 Secrets to Negotiating a Salary That Will Make Your Bank Account Smile

byVictoria Pynchon
3 Steps to Confronting a Co-worker (That Don't Involve Either of You Crying)

byVictoria Pynchon
The Secret to Negotiating a Raise During Tough Times

byVictoria Pynchon
How to Negotiate Over Email

byVictoria Pynchon
Do You Have to Tell Recruiters Your Current Salary?

byVictoria Pynchon
Think You Have to Take a Pay Cut? Think Again

byVictoria Pynchon
5 Things Most People Don't Know About Negotiating

byVictoria Pynchon
Negotiation Q&A: Do I Have to Disclose My Salary History?

byVictoria Pynchon
Negotiation Q&A: Can I Negotiate After a 2-Year Maternity Leave?

byVictoria Pynchon
Negotiation Q&A: I Got a Raise—But it Wasn't Enough

byVictoria Pynchon
Negotiation Q&A: What Questions Should I Ask Before Negotiating?

byVictoria Pynchon
Q&A: I Didn't Get the Raise I Was Promised—Now What?

byVictoria Pynchon
Negotiating Success: What To Learn From Marissa Mayer's Compensation Package

byVictoria Pynchon
Q&A: How Do I Negotiate When My Boss May Already Be Overspending?

byVictoria Pynchon
Q&A: The Secret to Giving Your "Salary Requirements"

byVictoria Pynchon
Q&A: How Do I Negotiate—When I'm Not Given the Opportunity?

byVictoria Pynchon
Negotiating on the Job: Your Play-by-Play Guide

byVictoria Pynchon
Negotiating on the Job, Part 2: Getting Prepared