Tikva Morrow
Tikva is an editor at Hometalk, the largest home and garden how-to community on the web, where millions of people share ideas and advice. Discover how-tos and inspiration to help you better your home.
ARTICLES BY Tikva Morrow

byTikva Morrow
How Artistic People (With Non-Artistic Day Jobs) Work Creativity Into Their Days

byTikva Morrow
5 Calming Side Projects That'll You'll Actually Want to Start After a Long Day at Work

byTikva Morrow
6 DIY Projects That'll Create a More Peaceful, Zen Workspace (Even if You Have No Walls)

byTikva Morrow
7 DIY Bedroom Projects That'll Help You Fall Asleep Faster

byTikva Morrow
7 DIY Organization Tricks That'll Make it Easier for You to Get to Work on Time

byTikva Morrow
8 Ways to Turn Your Tiny Desk Into an Awesome Home Office

byTikva Morrow
6 DIY Planners You Can Make This Year to Be More Organized

byTikva Morrow
5 DIY Gifts Your Co-workers Will Actually Want to Receive

byTikva Morrow
5 Changes You Can Make to Your Bedroom That'll Make Waking Up Easier

byTikva Morrow
5 Creative Hobbies That'll Actually Make You Better at Your Day Job

byTikva Morrow
7 Easy Craft Projects You Can Make With Office Supplies

byTikva Morrow
8 Cheap and Easy Ways to Make Your Workspace More Fun to Stare at All Day

byTikva Morrow
8 Fast and Easy Hacks to Organize Your Desk (and Give the Impression You're on Top of Your Game)

byTikva Morrow
6 Ways to Take on a Side Project That Doesn't Take Over Your Life

byTikva Morrow
7 Time Management Tricks That Keep Expert Multi-Taskers Sane

byTikva Morrow
5 Strategies for Turning Your Hobby Into a Full-Time Job