Lauren Hamer
Lauren was tired of the frustrated and forgotten feelings that are all too common during the job search—so, she decided to make her own luck. As a result, LaunchPoint Resume was founded. Now, she helps job seekers craft their professional portfolio that fits in a now modern world of technology and creativity to get a job they are suited for. Follow her on her journey through adulthood on Twitter.
ARTICLES BY Lauren Hamer

byLauren Hamer
3 Super Basic Resume Skills You Should Think Twice Before Including

byLauren Hamer
3 Follow-Up Email Templates That Are Pretty Hard for the Hiring Manager to Ignore

byLauren Hamer
3 Important Career Lessons My Disability Forced Me to Learn Faster Than Everyone Else

byLauren Hamer
The Secret to Being Approachable Is Almost Too Obvious (You’ve Probably Already Done it Today)

byLauren Hamer
3 Reasons Adding a Hobbies Section to Your Resume Could Make All the Difference