Fran Dorf
Disclaimer: The advice in this column is Fran Dorf's personal thoughts. It is not to be construed as a professional opinion. Fran recommends seeking the advice of a trained professional for any serious matter. Fran Dorf writes the "Just Ask Me" column at the Daily Muse. Fran is a psychotherapist-clinical social worker and author of three acclaimed novels. Her essays, poetry, and articles have appeared in anthologies, national periodicals, and literary journals, and she's working on a memoir. Fran also writes a blog, The Bruised Muse. In her spare time, she reads everything, rants about politics, Zumba dances, skis, plays tennis, travels, and plays with her grandchild, Maya.

byFran Dorf
Help! Should I Drop Out of Medical School to Pursue Art?

byFran Dorf
Help! My Boss Has it Out for Me

byFran Dorf
Can a Long-Distance Marriage Work?

byFran Dorf
Help! Should I Move for My Boyfriend's Job?

byFran Dorf
Help! How Do I Handle Sexual Harassment by a Senior Partner?

byFran Dorf
Help! I'm Too Emotionally Invested in My Job

byFran Dorf
Help! My Work Friend Got Promoted—and I'm Jealous

byFran Dorf
Help! I Have No Idea What My Passion Is

byFran Dorf
Help! My Husband Hates That I Travel

byFran Dorf
Help! He Wants to Move—But I Don't

byFran Dorf
Help! I'm Struggling to Find My Career Path

byFran Dorf
Help! My Husband Doesn't Support My Business Idea

byFran Dorf
Help! My Friend is Trashing My Career Goals

byFran Dorf
Help! I'm Struggling with Sexism in My Start-up

byFran Dorf
Help! My Boyfriend Wants to Move Across the Country

byFran Dorf
Help! My Mom Just Doesn't Get My Goals

byFran Dorf
Help! I'm Stuck at a Job I Hate

byFran Dorf
Help! I'm Too Competitive at Work

byFran Dorf
Help! I'm the Breadwinner—and He's Jealous