Erin McDermott Peterson
Erin McDermott Peterson is a Partner with PeopleResults. She's led Talent Acquisition for some of the most successful organizations in the world including Accenture, Aon Hewitt, and Amazon. She translates her unique global experience to help her clients with their talent acquisition strategy, employment branding, candidate experience, and recruitment outsourcing decisions and implementations. In addition to helping people all levels with their career transitions, she volunteers with Mobile Loaves and Fishes in Austin, Texas where she lives with her husband and Golden Retriever, Moab. Follow her on Twitter at @ErinMcPeterson or connect via email at epeterson@people-results.com.
ARTICLES BY Erin McDermott Peterson

byErin McDermott Peterson
6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Deciding if You Should Specialize or Generalize

byErin McDermott Peterson
4 Classic Traps People Fall Into as Soon as They’re Promoted