Emily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
Emily Liou is the founder of CultiVitae, where she is fortunate to teach and coach heart-centered professionals to land their dream jobs. Emily believes because we spend 40+ hours a week at work, we should find something that fulfills our purpose on this planet. She is the creator of The Happily Hired Formula, the ultimate e-course program that guides job seekers to start looking forward to Mondays!

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
Ask a Credible Career Coach: How Can I Quit My New Job Without Being a Job Hopper?

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
Ask a Credible Career Coach: How Do I Job Search With a Super Vague Job Title?

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
Ask a Credible Career Coach: Why Aren't I Hearing Back About the Jobs I'm Applying for?

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
Ask a Credible Career Coach: Can I Negotiate When the Job Description Lists a Salary?

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
Here's How to Connect Two People on LinkedIn (Templates Included!)

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
Ask a Credible Coach: How Can I Stop Being a Failure and Find a Job I'm Good At?

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
The 3 Kinds of LinkedIn Messages That Are Unlikely to Get a Response

byEmily Liou, PHR, ELI-MP, CPC
The Simple Step That Led to My Fiancé Getting 9 Recruiter Calls in One Week