Career Contessa
Career Contessa is an online platform facilitating honest conversations by real women about work and life—to help you achieve fulfillment and balance in both.
ARTICLES BY Career Contessa

byCareer Contessa
Here’s What Happened When I Stood Up to My Office Bully

byCareer Contessa
7 Leadership Books That Good Bosses Read (Because Managing Is Hard)

byCareer Contessa
3 Different Reasons Your Job's Boring You to Tears (and How to Stop Feeling That Way)

byCareer Contessa
15 Completely Reasonable Goals You Can Accomplish Before the Summer

byCareer Contessa
5 Ways You Can Boost Your Career This Week for Less Than $10

byCareer Contessa
5 Reasons Why You Should Take Your 5-Year Plan—and Throw it Away

byCareer Contessa
9 Podcasts That'll Make You Wish Your Commute Was Longer

byCareer Contessa
10 Financial Milestones Successful People Hit Before They Turn 30

byCareer Contessa
6 Steps to Creating a Career Manifesto That'll Propel You Toward Success

byCareer Contessa
4 Books You Need to Read if You're in a Rut at Work and Need Some Motivation

byCareer Contessa
How to Find a Job That'll Actually Let You Work From Home

byCareer Contessa
I Owe my Entire Career to Taking a Year Off and Moving to Thailand

byCareer Contessa
3 Small Changes That Cut the Emails I Receive by 20%

byCareer Contessa
The Day I Stepped Out of My Comfort Zone Is the Day My Career Really Started

byCareer Contessa
How to Find and Make Time for Your Passion Even When You're Busy

byCareer Contessa
Why I Stopped Networking