Amanda Chatel
Amanda Chatel is a freelance writer in New York City. She has written for AOL's Lemondrop and MyDaily, The Grindstone, New York Magazine, HowAboutWe and is a frequent contributor to The Gloss, YourTango, BlackBook, and the Huffington Post. She lives in the East Village with her dog, Hubbell, who is named after the Robert Redford character in The Way We Were, and not the telescope. People never catch the difference in spelling.
ARTICLES BY Amanda Chatel

byAmanda Chatel
How Not to Freak Out When You Meet Someone You Admire

byAmanda Chatel
Interviewing With a Friend? 5 Rules to Follow

byAmanda Chatel
On Your Own: Staying Safe When Living Alone

byAmanda Chatel
Peace Out: How to Leave a Job on Great Terms

byAmanda Chatel
Are You Pet-Ready? 4 Things to Consider

byAmanda Chatel
What You Need to Know about the GRE

byAmanda Chatel
Close Your Eyes: How Meditation Can Help Your Career