From awkward handshakes to out-of-the-blue questions to losing your Wi-Fi connection in the middle of a Skype call, interviews can seem like the bane of your existence.
But nailing them only takes a bit of preparation on your end. And we’ve made it easy for you to get that done by rounding up our favorite articles on acing the interview. In fact, you’ll be so prepared it won’t even feel like torture—and isn’t that the dream?
- Watch these five TED talks to motivate and inspire you to be your best self before you do anything else.
- Practice saying your answers aloud instead of writing them out—your responses will sound more natural and less robotic.
- Make sure you can answer these basic interview questions to guarantee you’ll be ready for anything.
- Try memorizing a few of these questions if you’re not sure what you should be asking the hiring manager. Trust us—they are way better than inquiring about how many vacation days new employees get.
- Research the company beforehand so you can prove you don’t just want any job—you want this one.
- Stalk the company on social media so you know how to dress to impress. (Hint: A suit isn’t always the answer.)
- Pack these nine essential items in your bag just in case something happens—a stain stick is your new best friend.
- Stay confident with this pep talk generator that gives you a boost of energy every time you use it.
- Master your handshake with these tips. (And master the “digital handshake” if your interview is over Skype.)
- Use these 22 questions to get the real inside scoop on the company’s culture, so you’ll know if it’s the right place for you.
- Follow up with a thank you note to the hiring manager within 24 hours.
- Learn from each experience by asking yourself these five questions after you leave.
- Keep impressing the interviewer at every round by switching up your responses to similar questions until you get the job.
Oh, and if you’re freaking out because you have an interview tomorrow morning and don’t have time for all this? Head over to this 30-minute guide to prepping fast!