When I worked from home, I was a big fan of the power nap. After lunch or when that 3 PM slump hit, I’d curl up on the couch for 20-30 minutes of shut-eye. After that, I had a boost even coffee couldn’t give me, and I’d be refreshed and ready to go for the rest of the day.
It’s actually a scientifically proven phenomenon: Studies show that naps not only improve your feeling of sleepiness, they can boost your mood, enhance your analytical and learning abilities, and banish stress. Even a 10-20 minute sleep session can give you a quick dose of alertness.
Pretty clear benefits, right? But though a few workplaces are beginning to recognize them (AOL and Yext, for example, have installed in-office nap rooms), it’s still not exactly widely accepted to pass out on the break room couch.
But this week, Sasha VanHoven of 99U is giving a you a reason to shake things up. Starting today, the writer is spending a week testing out workday napping and reporting on the impact it has on her workday. And, she’s inviting other sleepy employees to join in the fun!
If you’ve ever wondered what a power nap could do for your workday, this is your week to give it a shot. Close your office door, sneak off to your car, or suggest a department-wide naptime in the breakroom. Then, share how you feel on Twitter using #labrat—or, with your boss.
(Unless, of course, it’s prohibited in your employee handbook. In which case, anonymously dropping a few compelling National Institute of Health studies in the company suggestion box couldn’t hurt.)