And you thought all you had to do was show up for meetings.
Turns out, where you sit once you walk into that room can matter just as much as how much prep you’ve done. Whether it’s for an important meeting to decide on a major business decision or a sales pitch that’s critical for you to nail, your seat strategy could have a huge impact on your interaction and the conversation flow.
For instance, when you’re at a table for four at a business lunch, sitting to the right or left of your colleague (at the corner of the table) instead of directly across can ease the discussion and create a more intimate connection. Similarly, using banquet tables as opposed to longer conference tables at a sales meeting can help keep the audience more engaged.
Read the infographic below to get the inside scoop on how your seat can play an important role in all business situations—and then make sure to get to your next meeting early so you can snag the best one!