Our mission here at The Muse is simple: to help you find your dream job. So, there’s nothing we love more than hearing about it when you do!
Today, we chatted with Anna Kraemer, Senior Associate at Point B, about what her job actually entails.
Read on to learn more about her story, then check out Point B's offices and see how you can land a great new gig of your own.
Describe your job as if you were talking to a 5th grader.
I help my clients achieve their strategic organizational goals. My job is all about realizing value and achieving outcomes—whether that's leading them through a process improvement project, ensuring a critical project exceeds its goals, or partnering with my clients to transform the way they conduct business to thrive in an ever-changing economy.
What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
I meditate for 15 minutes and then I read the news with my coffee and my dog (which I do outside on my deck as long as the Portland rain stays away!). It's a very relaxing way to prepare for the day.
What's one part of your job that someone might be surprised to know?
My job looks different every day! And that's something I love about it. I balance my client work while supporting Point B with internal operations and people initiatives so my day-to-day schedule changes. Point B allows me the flexibility to balance my personal life, client work, and explore different growth opportunities, which allows me to continuously learn.
Why do you do what you do?
I am passionate about supporting my community to help my clients succeed. It gives me energy to solve challenging business problems to ensure my clients achieve their strategic goals. Plus, I work with amazing, genuine, and intelligent people who make work fun every day. I am fortunate to work with an employee-owned company who puts their people and their culture at the forefront of every decision they make. It's a win-win!
What's the last thing you do before you leave work?
I scan my email inbox one last time (I aspire for a zero inbox each day), and I chat with my co-workers on my way out. Connecting with people is my favorite part of what I do, and I think it's critical to form strong relationships with those I work with. I love hearing about their lives outside of work and learning about their families and hobbies.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone looking to work in your field, what would it be?
In my opinion, an effective consultant is resourceful, adaptable, and blends creativity with innovation to solve problems. To work in my field, I believe it's important to form strong relationships with those you work and partner in order to solve problems and make solutions stick. Be genuine, be resourceful, and be hard working!
Take a peek at Point B's offices:
Here at The Muse, we partner with a lot of great companies to bring you insider looks at their offices and awesome job listings. These employers pay us to be featured on the site, but these Muse-worthy brands made this list not just because they want to be included, but because their culture, policies, and employee feedback showed us that they deserve to be.