Looking for a new job in media? Whether your passion is ad sales, editorial, or marketing, there are plenty of companies out there doing great work.
But today, we've hand-picked a few of the best: Companies that are doing something different and creative in the media world, companies that have a unique vibe and culture, and—most importantly—companies that are hiring now.
Read on for a peek inside some of the most inspiring media organizations today.
For the Digitally Minded: Mashable
Where: New York and San Francisco
What: Founded in 2005, Mashable has quickly become the leading source for news, information, and resources for the digital generation. As Editor-in-Chief Lance Ulanoff describes it, “Mashable is super positive about the digital experience—not just for individuals, but for how it can change the world.”
So, in addition to reporting on brand-new gadgets and tech trends, Mashable covers all things relevant to the online world (take it from Brian Hernandez, Mashable's Pop Culture and Internet Memes Reporter, whose job it is to report on the videos and memes of the moment).
The Vibe: The digital world never sleeps, so the office is a fast-paced flurry of energy. “The culture at Mashable is so fresh and exciting,” says Hernandez.
For the News Junkie: Topix
Where: Palo Alto, California
What: Part news aggregator, part community platform, Topix uses algorithms to sift through the vast amount of news online and create dedicated pages on topics, regions, and cities. Topix users can turn passive news-reading into engaging conversations, using the platform to log into their local sites, get up-to-the-minute breaking stories, and share their opinions through comments and forums.
The Vibe: Relaxed. “I really love the laidback nature of this company. There’s tremendous flexibility in working autonomously or working in a team environment, and you get the best of both worlds,” says Senior Sales Planner Jessica Chung.
For the Radio Fanatic: NPR
Where: Washington, DC
What: When you think of public radio, it’s hard not to think of NPR. And that’s no surprise: NPR’s award-winning programming has been blazing the trails for public radio and revolutionizing how the public accesses everything from news to music to politics since 1970. Today, NPR creates and distributes radio broadcasts to 26.4 million listeners every week.
The Vibe: NPR has an employee legacy like few other companies. "You can look around the building, almost on any floor, and find people in very prominent roles that started their careers with us as an intern," says Lars Schmidt, Director of Talent Acquisition. “I think it's unique to find a company or organization like ours that has that rich history."
For the "Stylish, Influential Woman:" PureWow
Where: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and Dallas
What: PureWow is a quickly growing women's lifestyle digital publication, featuring the best in culture, fashion, food, travel, tech, and more. Its national content and daily city-focused emails make sure sophisticated women everywhere are in the know about the fabulous new restaurants, shopping, and events in their cities.
The Vibe: Creative (inspiration and branding boards cover the office's walls and serve as inspirational reminders of the PureWow woman) and collaborative: “Everyone here is supportive of each other. I received a welcome email from everyone when I was hired. When you walk in the door, you just feel warm energy,” says Account Executive Caitlin Komora.
For Anyone: AOL
Where: Palo Alto, DC, New York
What: You've heard of AOL, of course. But the company also encompasses publications like The Huffington Post and Patch, and it's continually growing and changing to give users access to a constant stream of news and culture. For such a large, diverse company, though, AOL is hyper-focused on creating a cohesive team culture.
The Vibe: AOL's committed to making its employees happy ("They make you feel like the company cares about you as an employee,” notes Christina Ji, Campaign Manager, Launch & Trafficking) and healthy: AOL promotes wellness programs throughout the company with fun events and incentives, plus provides on-site perks such as nap rooms, massages, and seasonal flu shots.