Here at The Daily Muse, we talk a lot about finding a healthy balance between work and everything else. Although it’s on our minds year-round, it’s especially important during the holiday season—a time when we have more obligations, but also want to spend more time with our loved ones.
We’re also the first to admit that finding that elusive balance is often easier said than done. But, as Nigel Marsh puts it, “if you don’t design your life, someone else will design it for you. And you may just not like their idea of balance.”
In this short and funny talk from TEDxSydney, Marsh talks about changing our thinking in order to make big improvements in our lives. We have to consider the career choices we’re making, he says—and “ignore the rubbish,” like the idea that wearing jeans to the office on Friday constitutes “balance.”
And in case you need more motivation, consider this: Marsh believes that becoming more balanced won’t only help our own lives, but—if enough of us do it—we also might just start to change society’s definition of success, too.