One of the most difficult things about being in a toxic work environment is finding the motivation and the means to get out of it. Trying to succeed or work or even merely exist in a toxic job or while reporting to a toxic boss has a tendency to sap every ounce of your physical, emotional, and mental energy.
You might decide to say “eff it” and quit, here and now, to give yourself the space to begin recovering and searching for a healthier situation. Sometimes that’s the very best call for the sake of your mental health. But peacing out without a plan or a safety net isn’t always an option. Instead, you might have to do some legwork up front to set yourself up for an exit.
Either way, you might need a few words of encouragement, some inspiration, or a reminder that you won’t be swimming in this toxic cesspool until the end of time. Sometimes that might come in the form of written advice or stories—the kind we at The Muse have seen so many folks gravitate toward in recent months. Other times, you might need to see it and hear it. So I turned to TikTok to surface nine videos that might help.