Job interviews are always intimidating, regardless of how good you think your chances are of landing the gig. On the flip side, hiring managers always struggle with a different problem: What’s a good interview question—and how can you can learn as much as possible about a potential candidate without hooking him or her up to a polygraph machine?
Luckily, I recently stumbled across a nifty website that can really help in this department—especially if you’re new to interviewing candidates and want to avoid asking cliché questions. After all, you remember how much you sweat when answering, “What’s your greatest weakness?” You would never want to do that to someone else.
Your Question Rocks is a crowd-sourced Q&A website chock-full of potential interview questions. In fact, there are so many that you can search by a variety of different categories—such as marketing, entry-level, or oddball.
A few unexpected gems that I found include:
- How would you define for your team what “good” competition looks like?
- Teach me a skill I don’t already know in three minutes.
- Describe a job that would be your worst nightmare.
And because it’s crowd-sourced, it’s completely interactive. You can add questions, answer them with tips for other hiring managers, and up vote the best. (Oh, but because it’s crowd-sourced, the quality runs the gamut: So don’t take all of these and just run with them.)
One thing’s for sure: You’ll never walk into a job interview again and feel compelled to kick it off with, “So, um, tell me about yourself.”