When everyone asked me what my plans were after high school, I told them I wanted to learn how to speak five different languages by college graduation. Not only did I vastly misunderstand how hard this would be, but I also had no plans for how I would do it (other than magic, obviously). Nine years later, and I’m still only truly fluent in English. Needless to say, not quite what I was aiming for.
Has this ever happened to you? You say you’re going to do something, but you don’t? It’s OK—you’re not alone. I mean, less than 10% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them. Because achieving a goal is much harder than setting one. After all, it requires time, planning, and constant motivation.
But I have good news for you: Google recently added a feature to its mobile calendar app that’ll help you pursue every one of your dreams. Now, in addition to placing reminders on your schedule, you can add goals, too.
I tried it, and it’s super simple. Open the app (after you download it, of course), and press the red plus sign.
Then, select “Goal.”
Next, you can choose the category it falls under (e.g., exercise, skill-building, “me time”), and then specify exactly what you want to do. While there are already some suggestions, there’s also the ability to develop your own. I, for example, have a pipe dream of writing a children’s book (most likely about cats).
Choose the frequency (how many times a week) and duration (how many minutes per session). Here’s the best part: The app automatically finds time on your calendar so you don’t have to. But don’t worry—if something comes up, that’s perfectly fine. This feature’s flexible and will accommodate any new meetings you have or adjust if it’s just not the right time.
This is a great resource for any career or life aspirations you may have, whether it’s finding a new job, calling your parents more, or taking a project management certification exam so you’re more eligible for a promotion. Like I said before, I know it can be difficult to follow through on things, especially when we’re so busy. But if it’s something you want—something you really, really, want—it’s worth it.
Note: While this will be available on both Android and iOS devices, you may not see it on your app just yet.