I love to-do lists. More than that, I love crossing things off of them. Every time I put a line through an item, I feel like I’m bursting through the tape at the finish line.
But even though I enjoy being able to visualize what I’ve accomplished, I’m actually pretty bad at making one clear and concise list. And sticking to it. It certainly doesn’t help that I write down all my tasks in separate places—sticky notes, notebooks, email drafts, you name it. How can I cross something off if I can’t even find it?
Therefore, I decided to finally give in to technology (I’m an old-fashioned pen and paper gal) and merge everything on the one thing I (sadly) have with me all the time—my phone.
I downloaded Do!, a free app claiming to be “the best of simple to-do lists.”
And though I’ve only been using it for two weeks, it’s already helped me feel less stressed about my ever-growing list. For once, all my responsibilities are in one place. And when I think of something new, I add it to Do! and feel confident I’ll come back to it later. In fact, I’m loving my experience so much that I just had to share why with you. (Oh, and note that despite how excited I am, no one’s paying me to write this.)
It’s Easy to Use and Customize
In order for me to consistently use an app, I need to be able to figure out how it works in less than 10 minutes. Otherwise, to the trash bin it goes. This one’s very user-friendly—you simply click “add a new task” at the top and start planning away.
There was one feature I had a question about though, so I emailed the makers of the app and received an answer within the hour. So not only is it fairly straightforward, but the creators are available to facilitate usage.
And while I wasn’t really into the default font, there are 10 different options to choose from. You can also select the size you prefer, one of four color schemes, and how to sort your tasks—ascending, descending, completed, not completed, and so on.
It Provides Several Ways to Organize Your Tasks
Do! really helped me aggregate tasks from different parts of my life—personal, work, internship, and more—and keep them organized to my liking. When you add an item (or edit one), you can do the following:
- Assign a date to it: For anything time-sensitive, I choose the date to complete it by.
- Set an alarm: If I’m extra concerned about forgetting to do something, I can have my phone remind me.
- Pick a color: I chose a different color for each area of my life so I could easily picture what I should tackle first.
If you need a better way to manage everything you have to do, this free app may be the answer to your problem. And don’t worry—you can still cross things off this list. Just double tap the task when you’re done!