Do you ever feel like you have zero idea what your colleagues one floor down are up to? Do your team’s projects sometimes feel totally siloed from those of the crews in your company’s other office branches?
Over lunch in the break room, I’ll sometimes ask my co-workers in other departments what they’re currently working on. So much of the time, it’s total news to me. When I worked at an ad agency, same deal—each client team was disjointed from the next. The larger the company, the harder is it to maintain the seamless communication and collaboration among employees that engenders strong relationships and informed productivity.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. And Honey, a cool new digital product from Brooklyn’s Huge Labs, has the answer.
Honey is a turbo-charged work dashboard—a virtual hub for communication among your teammates and across your entire company. Employees can share interesting industry news, project updates, and useful work examples. You can even directly embed tweets, Instagram photos, SoundCloud clips, and videos (imagine a video library of recent company presentations easily accessible on your mobile device).
And there’s no learning curve to worry about—Honey functions exactly like your Facebook news feed. You scroll through nuggets of information shared by your different connections, and “like” or comment on each as you wish. Bonus for those who have trouble putting faces to names (a.k.a., everyone): Honey’s user profiles allow employees to share their bio, skills, and photo.
Sign up for Honey with your Google account or your company email address. After a free 30-day trial, monthly accounts cost $5/user/month; annual accounts go down to $4/user/month.
A simple solution to a perilous problem.