Life’s too short not to love your job. But it can be a challenge to find the perfect mutual fit, especially if you’re on the hunt while you’re in the thick of a busy current role.
Well, you’re in luck: There’s an app for that. New “covert job search tool” Poacht is aimed at the presently employed who are casually interested in looking for something new but struggling to find the time.
Here’s how it works: When you sign up, four quick questions gauge your job search needs, from how seriously you’re looking to the salary level you’d require in order to vacate your current role.
From there, Poacht utilizes your LinkedIn profile to match you with open positions at companies you might be interested in. If a hiring manager issues an interview request, you can accept or decline with one click. In addition, Poacht conceals your personal information—employers won’t know who you are until you want them to—making it easier to be discreet.
We love that the app is clean, simple, and user-friendly—and makes your “casual” job hunt as convenient as browsing your Facebook news feed.
Of course, remember that using an app isn’t the only way to casually job hunt. While it’s a bit less convenient than swiping on your phone, you’re much more likely to get poached through networking and fostering connections. (Here are a few more ways to look even when you’re not “looking”.)
What do you think? Will you try Poacht?