There’s a reason that many of the greats write their best work in coffee shops: Ambient noise is proven to increase creativity and productivity. Researchers have found that sounds around 50 decibels are considered too quiet for productivity, and noises around 85 decibels (for example, a blender) are too loud and distracting. The happy medium? 70 decibels, the same number as that of the average coffee shop.
That’s all well and good, but you can’t always up and leave the office to go hunker down in the nearest Starbucks when you’re in desperate need of some imagination, right?
Enter Coffitivity, a site that brings the sounds of a café right to your laptop. By simply going to the site, you can plug into a steady stream of clinking glasses, low-level chatter, and people shuffling around. The site even lets you customize your coffee shop experience. Looking for a quieter setting to get your work done? Test out Coffitivity’s “Morning Murmur” option, which offers a softer vibe and more hushed patrons. Like the hustle and bustle of a full coffee shop? The more fast-paced “Lunchtime Lounge” might be the Coffitivity locale for you.
While it might seem a little goofy to plug in your headphones and listen to background café chatter in the office, it’s definitely worth a try for that extra boost in productivity. So next time you’re having a hard time getting your brain going, grab a cup of coffee from the breakroom, turn on Coffitivity to drown out Tom’s loud phone call in the cubicle next door, and get ready to get in the zone.