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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Work-Life Balance

The Detox You Need to Go On Now

We’ve talked before about why unplugging once in a while is so important for your personal and professional health. But sometimes taking the dive and hitting the “off” switch is a lot easier said than done.

Well, listen up: It’s now time to seriously reconsider how often our phones are glued to our hands. Did you know that the average person checks his or her phone more than 110 times per day? Try ignoring your phone for just 20 minutes. Can you do it? If the answer is no (I couldn’t), then you're probably suffering from cell phone addiction. It’s time for a detox.

Check out the infographic below to find out the benefits of seriously stepping away from the smartphone—and what happened when a few people did for a whole week.

Having trouble reading the infographic? Click on the image to make it larger!

Infographic and photo courtesy of FrontRange. Photo of digital detox courtesy of Shutterstock.