Take a look at your calendar.
Are those color-coded blocks helping you feel organized, or just stressing you out because you’re realizing that you have no free time at all this week? Could it be that every time you add a new task or meeting into your schedule, you’re actually sacrificing your productivity by handing control of your day over to your boss and co-workers?
While you definitely need to compromise when it comes to structuring your days, odds are high that you’re probably letting other people dictate what you do and when you do it. We know it’s tempting to sacrifice your “me” time to prove that you’re a go-getter who never needs a break, but Happify’s study shows that having more free time actually leads to a better work-life balance and, consequently, more engagement at the office.
So, before you dismiss the idea of increasing your “me” time, check out this infographic to understand how carving out more time for yourself will make you a happier and healthier employee.