We know trying to do too many things at once is a bad thing. We know that applying for other jobs at work is a really bad thing.
But sometimes, we need a reminder.
Today’s public service announcement comes from Karly Domb Sadof. The photo editor at the Associated Press has been in the news for accidentally pasting a portion of her cover letter to Buzzfeed in an unrelated AP photo caption, letting her employer (and, well, the rest of the world) know she’s looking for a new job.
To her credit, she pretty much nails the opening line of her cover letter—showing immediately that she gets the Buzzfeed brand and the reason she’ll stand out above other applicants:
Instead of starting this cover letter by listing the top ten reasons why I am the perfect candidate to be Buzzfeed's photo essay editor, or creating a quiz about what type of job applicant, I, Karly Domb Sadof, am (because I imagine you have just finished reading half a dozen cover letters in those formats) I will say I am applying for Buzzfeed's photo essay editor position because I want to do to photojournalism what the Quiz and ‘listicle’ have done to Lifestyle journalism.
But, as this situation shows, being sloppy with your job search can hurt not only the gig you have—but also your chances of getting the next one.
Karly, you might want to check out our tips on what to do if your boss finds out you’re job hunting.
And everyone else? Here’s some advice to keep your hunt under wraps. (Lesson #1: Wait until you get home to draft that cover letter.)