You follow all your colleagues and professional contacts on Facebook and LinkedIn, but somehow you still manage to know less about their professional lives than you do about what they ate for lunch today.
Well, that's about to change, thanks to a cool new site, Newsle. The idea is simple: You sign in through your favorite social network, and the site lets you know every time one of your friends or connections makes the news. That's right, a newsfeed full of your contacts doing things like starting companies, winning awards, or being quoted in articles—and not sharing photos of their children.
You can also set up alerts for people you're not connected to—like that hiring manager you interviewed with last week, your old boss that you're curious about, or, yes, even Ryan Gosling.
So, go ahead. Stalk away. And use your powers for good: Congratulating people on recent mentions or accomplishments (or even just staying tabs on what they're up to) is one of the best ways to build relationships online.