If you’ve ever tried to develop your personal brand from scratch, you know that it’s an overwhelming process, to say the least. Where do you start? What should you include? What does “personal brand” really even mean?
Well, here’s some good news: We just discovered an amazing workbook from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) that makes everything a lot more clear (and a lot more enjoyable). The beautiful, interactive tool will take you through the process of determining how you want to be seen by the world baby step by baby step: from figuring out your core strengths and weaknesses to defining your career passions and purpose to translating it all into your resume, elevator pitch, and more.
Basically, if you’re serious about nailing down your personal brand (and, yes, you should be), this is the best tool we’ve seen to make it happen. Download the workbook today, make a commitment to actually go through it over the next couple of weeks, and see just how effective a strong identity can be for your career.