January is the perfect time to pick up a new skill or two—but we know that’s easier said than done.
So, whether you’re faced with a lack of time, a lack of motivation, or a lack of resources, we’ve found solutions to every problem potentially stopping you from learning something new.
Go on, resolve to finally learn coding. Or Japanese! With these tips, you can accomplish anything.
Here are tips from the author of The 4-Hour Chef on how to learn any skill incredibly quickly. (Business Insider)
Use the science behind learning new skills to make the process easier. (Lifehacker)
Check out the resume-boosting skills you can learn in six months. (Mashable)
If you connect new skills to old ones, you’ll learn faster and more efficiently. (Science 2.0)
Teach someone else a skill to improve your own mastery of it. (Medium)
Resolve to learn one (or more!) of these career-related skills by the end of the year. (US News)
Or if you’re the type that needs a looming deadline, give yourself 90 days to broaden your skill set. (Lifehacker)
Stop thinking so much! Why looking before you leap holds you back when it comes to learning new skills. (The Wall Street Journal)
To make—or stay—competitive, make sure you have the top tech skills of 2015. (Business News Daily)
This is the ultimate guide to learning a new skill. (Harvard Business Review)