I have a lot of friends who don’t like their jobs—whether it’s because they don’t get along with their boss, or they’re not motivated by the work they’re doing, or because they simply don’t feel challenged.
Those same friends, however, don’t really do anything about it. They’ll vent for months, but they’ll also say they’re not miserable enough to spend the time finding out their next step.
So, I decided to give them (and you, dear reader) a kick in the butt:
1. For the Person Who Likes Hard Stats: 51% of Workers Are Looking to Leave Their Current Jobs
Basically, you’re not alone in your decision! In fact, that’s a huge chunk of people (according to my math, approximately 80,494,830 working Americans).
Need more numbers? According to various studies cited in Access Perks’ article, “2017 Employee Engagement & Loyalty Statistics,” 40% of employees leave their job because they’re unhappy (IBM), 56% of workers plan to job search in the next six months (Payscale), and 35% of employees have changed jobs within the past three years (Gallup).
2. For the Person Who Cares About Their Health: Hating Your Job Can Lead to Weight Gain, Illness, and Mental Health Issues
According to a recent Forbes article on the costs of disliking your job, this is just touches the surface of problems work dissatisfaction can cause. Research shows it can lead to depression and anxiety, shorten your lifespan, increase your likelihood of heart disease, cause lack of sleep, affect your relationships, lower your zest for life, and kill your confidence.
Not pretty, huh? Even if your job isn’t horrible now, these long-term effects will build up and only hurt you down the road.
On the flipside, happy employees feel and work better—it’s just a fact.
3. For the Person Who’s Not Unhappy, But Not Happy: It’s Smarter to Look for a Job When You’re Happy at Your Current Role
Yes, says a recent U.S. News article: You’re in a much better position to look for a role while you’re content in your current situation than when you’re miserable.
“When you interview under these circumstances, you’re just casually seeing what’s out there. You’re checking out what you’re worth and what your options are. And, because it’s casual and on your terms, you’re not second-guessing those answers to challenging interview questions—you believe in yourself! Prospective employers can sense this and it puts you in more demand,” says author Vicki Salemi.
And this means you’re in a better place to find a role that’s actually a good fit—not something you’ll leave again in three months.
4. For the Person Who Likes Signs: If You Wouldn’t Hire Yourself for Your Role, It’s Probably Time to Leave
That’s just one sign you should go. Others include being constantly bored, being embarrassed about the work you’re doing, and not respecting your boss (you can find a bunch more here).
Other subtle signs you should look for something else? You’re way too excited to leave for vacation, you can’t remember the last time you were stoked to go to work, or your happiness at work defines your happiness overall.
The worst one? You feel guilty about leaving your team.
5. For the Person Who Likes to Make Excuses: You Have Everything in Your Power to Be Happy at Work
You may say “Work isn’t supposed to be fun, that’s why it’s called work” or “Money makes me happy, so I don’t care how I make it,” but those excuses are ultimately wrong. Read this for why: 3 Reasons People Use to Explain Why They’re Unhappy at Work (and Why They’re All Wrong).
6. For the Person Who Is Moved by Inspirational Quotes: “Someday Is Not a Day of the Week”
Janet Dailey may sound sassy, but she’s right. Seriously, just do it already.
Need more inspirational quotes to get motivated? Read some of our favorites.
7. For the Person Who Read All This Advice and Is Ready to Take That Next Step: Job Searching Doesn’t Have to Be Hard!
Don’t believe me? We have this step-by-step guide that’ll help you do it in one afternoon. Oh, and we have the inside scoop on tons of job openings right here.
You’re welcome.