In this “pics or it didn’t happen” era where everything—and I mean everything—gets posted online, it’s not unusual to cringe a few times while scrolling through your Facebook news feed, Twitter homepage, or even your friends’ stories on Snapchat.
Well, think about how much job recruiters must be cringing when they look at candidates’ online profiles. While it’s becoming popular for applicants to get hired through social media, it’s becoming even more popular for applicants to be instantly eliminated from the hiring process because of something they probably don’t even remember sharing online.
We understand the temptations of posting every detail of your life on the web. That’s why we’re here to help you answer the million-dollar question: Should I actually post this? Check out this infographic to see when it’s okay for statuses and pictures to appear in the virtual world and when you should really spare recruiters—and society in general—from your inappropriate content (or pictures of your food).