When companies interview job candidates, the first question they often ask themselves after the interview is, “Was she a superstar?” Superstars are the ones who get job offers wherever they interview. They are in the power position when it comes to job selection, and they are considered the cream of the crop of their organizations.
So, how do you become one of those superstars?
First, take this short career quiz and answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:
Do you know your greatest talent and purpose, or “Zone of Genius,” and do you know how to translate it into clear language describing the opportunities that you would be a perfect fit for?
When you talk to people about your career goals, do they comment on how energetic and passionate you come across?
Do you have a deep sense of clarity regarding your value, and can you confidently express your weaknesses?
Do you find it unnecessary to ask people’s advice on what job they think you should be in?
Do you often get asked for advice from others because you exude natural confidence?
Do you lack a deep-seated fear that you won’t be successful?
Can you look at a business problem and easily figure out how you would be able to tackle some of the key challenges and walk someone through the steps necessary to overcome them?
Do you have a clear focus for your career? Are always researching, learning, and finding access to information so that you can deepen your knowledge in that area?
Do you avoid spending your time researching topics that you have little interest in, even when they’re important for a job that you don’t want but have been told is a good opportunity?
Do you feel driven by a clear purpose that goes beyond money, power, or fame?
Now, tally up your answers. If you answered “yes”:
8-10 Times: You are a superstar, and you probably already know it. You are confident and clear and know what you want. You have a vision, and you are spending your time creating it. Kudos to you—you inspire others without even trying.
5-7 Times: You are a rising star. You probably get regular feedback that you have a lot of potential. You just aren’t yet sure how best to maximize it or how you will become a superstar.
1-4 Times: You may feel like you are a falling star, without direction. You are either in a job that is not right for you or you feel like your job search is similar to the game of Whac-A-Mole. You feel desperate and are trying to be anything and everything to get a job. But, you can be a superstar—everyone can.
If you find yourself in the “rising star” or “falling star” categories, don’t fret. There are some proactive ways to get your star back on the rise. Here’s how to get started:
1. Get Clear on Your Innate Talent and Purpose
I call it the “Zone of Genius”—your greatest talent and purpose. If you can’t figure out this out on your own, try finding some support. Famous athletes and CEOs have coaches and consultants helping them, so why would you not be open to doing the same for yourself and your career? Especially if you are trying to find a job, getting support could mean the difference between an “OK” job and your dream job. Do research on career coaches or consultants, and reach out for a consultation to find someone who is a good fit for your goals.
2. Create a Vision for Your Career
You need to know where you going in order to access the steps needed to get there. Use these questions as a starting point:
Think of your ideal workday and write it out in specific detail. What job would allow you to have that ideal day?
What kind of thinking do you want to be doing?
What impact do you desire?
What would be fun?
What kind of lifestyle do you need or want? Make sure you get clear on what you need versus want—and build out a financial plan that matches what you need first.
What kind of people do you want to work with or not work with?
3. Create Language That Represents Your Zone of Genius and Your Vision Well
It needs to be authentic to who you are and what you bring to the table. Make sure it’s also specific. It’s easy to use general language such as: “I am a great marketer” or “I work well in teams” rather than something more specific, like:
“I am exceptional at coming up with creative ideas that connect customers to a brand. In my free time, I am constantly brainstorming ideas on how businesses can be more concise with their branding solutions.”
“I am exceptional at working with a team and understanding each person’s perspectives and ideas—and then creating a solution that addresses the entire group’s needs. The more complicated, the better.”
“My vision is to be the lead program developer of a product that will help people be more productive in their lives. Productivity is something that is core to my story because my dad was overworked and never was able to get around to doing things he loved. I want to help people with being able to do more with their lives than they think is possible.”
Start with these three steps, and see how far you get. If you need support, let me know.