I love my reading list, and I love that I have articles saved up just waiting for me when I have the time. There’s only one problem: I never have the time. And I suspect I’m not the only one who regularly stumbles upon interesting-sounding pieces, stores them in a temporary folder (my personal choice is Pocket), and never gives them a second glance.
The thing is, I’m probably missing out on reading quality content. Quality content that could actually help me become more productive, more organized, and even more valuable at work.
So, what’s a busy professional to do?
All you have to do after saving articles to Pocket (find out how to use the app here) is open one up and click “Listen.” Then, the feature allows you to start from anywhere in the piece, skip paragraphs easily, and change the reading speed according to your preferences. The service even has automatic language detection, which means you can listen to articles written in any language.
My favorite part is that it lets me consume all this amazing content while doing other activities—whether it’s commuting to work, going for a jog, or preparing my breakfast in the kitchen. In other words, while I’m usually a horrible multi-tasker, Listen makes it easy to digest articles while I check off other items on my to-do list.
So, if you’re someone who also has an endless list of to-be-reads, download the updated version of Pocket now and begin falling in love as hard as I did.
What apps do you use to find and read quality content? Let me know on Twitter!