As you’re applying to jobs, you may be wondering about the best way to submit your references. You may ask, “Should I include references on my resume or in my initial application materials?” The answer is no, you shouldn't
Yes, you read that right—you shouldn’t add references to your resume. Read on to learn the right way to list your references, plus a sample and a template for download.
Why do employers ask for references?
The purpose of an employer asking for references is to learn more about your professional background, including your performance and overall behavior in the workplace.
Basically, they want to know what people who’ve worked with you have to say about you and whether their opinions align with the way you present yourself during the interview process. This helps them make a decision about whether or not to offer you the position.
Why not include references on resume?
Resume references aren't the standard anymore, and employers don't expect candidates to provide this information early on. A hiring manager or recruiter doesn’t have the time or resources to contact references for everyone who applies for an open position or even for everyone they bring in for an interview. Instead, they ask for references later in the process, only from top candidates.
Besides, it's a waste of valuable space to list references on resumes that should be one or maybe two pages long. You should save room for detailing your skills, achievements, and qualifications.
What about writing, “References available upon request,” on your resume? Well, avoid this too. There’s “no need to state anything about references on your resume,” says Muse career coach Leto Papadopoulos. “It is assumed that you’ll share the info when requested.”
Don’t waste a resume line to say something that’s taken for granted. (After all, you wouldn’t write, “Available for interviews upon request,” would you?)
When do you need references?
“Employers will typically check your references just before they’re ready to make an offer,” Papadopoulos says. That’s why you don’t need to provide them when you’re first applying for a job. But it’s a good idea to have them ready to go before you even land an interview.
If a company is ready to hire you pending a reference check, the last thing you want is to be held up by asking people to be a reference or collecting their contact information. Instead, you should “have your references ready and keep them updated during your search,” Papadopoulos says.
Who should you ask to be a reference?
Most companies will ask for two or three references from a candidate, so it’s always best to have at least three ready to go. Some prospective employers may request a certain mix of reference types, but generally, the people you would use as references for your resume are:
- Former managers—or your current manager if they know about and are supportive of your job search
- Former or current colleagues
- Professors you worked closely with—if you’re earlier in your career and don’t have many former managers
If you’d be leading a team, you may be asked for a reference from a former direct report. For some client-facing roles, like account management, companies might want to hear from a former client or customer, so read up on the norms for your industry. (Read more about who to list as a reference here or—if you have less work experience—here.)
How to list references to an employer—the right way
Once you know who your references will be, you want to make it easy to submit them to employers when asked. You should compile everything you need into a reference sheet, one handy—and well-formatted—document that can expedite the hiring process in the final stages. When the time comes, you can attach your reference sheet to an email as a Word document or PDF file. Or you can simply copy and paste the information into the body of the email.
What information to include on your reference sheet
On your reference sheet, you should list each reference with the following information:
- Name
- Current Job/Position
- Company
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Reference Description: Write one sentence explaining how you know or have worked with this person, where, when, and for how long. (Check out the example below to see what this looks like in action.)
There’s no need to include your reference’s home or work address—companies aren’t going to be mailing them anything. If a reference expresses a strong preference for a certain method of contact, it’s OK to put “(preferred contact)” next to that line on your reference list.
To keep things easy for the hiring manager, it’s also a good idea to include your own name, phone number, and email at the top of the sheet (see the template and example below).
Reference sheet template
Use our template below to list all of your references. You can either copy and paste it or download the Word template here.
References for [Your Name]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[Name of Reference #1]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[Reference Description]
[Name of Reference #2]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[Reference Description]
[Name of Reference #3]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[Reference Description]
[Name of Reference #4]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[Reference Description]
Reference sheet example
Here’s one example of what your reference sheet might look like when you fill in our template:
References for Monica Medina
(999) 000-1111
Nicole Chiu
Director of Engineering
Sunshine Inc.
(555) 123-4567
Nicole was my direct manager from 2016 to 2018 when I worked as a software developer for Sunshine Inc.
Kwame Smith
Front-End Software Engineer
Zapp Co.
(111) 222-3333
Kwame is an engineer I collaborate with daily in my current position at Zapp Co.
Dr. Carol Moore
Professor of Computer Science
University of Pennsylvania
(123) 987-6543
Carol was my professor in four different classes and my faculty advisor for my computer science degree.
Bottom line
Keeping references off your resume is not only the standard now, it’s also more thoughtful toward the people you’ve asked to speak on your behalf. By only submitting their names and contact information when asked directly (usually at the end of the hiring process), you’ll know when a prospective new employer is actually going to contact them.
This way you can give them a heads up, pass on any important information about the job or company you’re applying for, and thank them for their help.
Who can I put as a reference?
It's standard to include former or current managers, as well as former or current coworkers with whom you worked closely, on your reference list. If you have never worked, your reference could be a former or current professor.
Is it OK to put references on CV?
First and foremost, you should understand that a resume and curriculum vitae (CV) are two different documents. CVs are mostly used in academia, medicine, and law, for example. With that said, references on a CV are also not the standard anymore. Unless the employer specifically asks for them in the job listing, there's no need to include them.
Are two references enough?
Yes, typically employers ask for two to three references. The exact number may depend on factors such as the industry you're in, your role level, and whether you're a fresher or a seasoned professional. Always be prepared to provide the number of references requested.
Is it OK to put “references available upon request” on a resume?
No, you shouldn’t do it. It's not standard practice, and it's a waste of space on your resume. Employers already know they can ask for references and will do so if needed.
Can I put friends as references?
It's not recommended if you're asked for professional references. When employers ask for professional references, they want to know more about your professional experience, work ethic, and performance. Unless you and your friend have worked together, they cannot provide that information. If you're a fresher, a professor, a mentor, or a leader of a community service or volunteer organization would be better choices for references. However, if you're asked for a personal reference, then you can list a friend.
Amanda Cardoso contributed to the latest version of this article.