Meetings have gotten a bad rap. While they should be a positive thing, a time for bringing the team together to brainstorm, collaborate on a project, or share knowledge, more and more of them have become time-sucking necessary evils.
It's time to change that. This week, we've gathered some of the best resources from around the web on how to run meetings the right way, from how to decide whether you need to have a meeting at all to how to run your sessions in efficient and engaging ways. Before you know it, you'll be looking forward to your meetings every week!
Want more? Check out some of our great articles on leading better meetings!
You've heard it before, but it bears repeating: Sitting all day is literally killing you. In fact, it's the "smoking of our generation," says exec Nilofer Merchant. Read on for her smart solution we can all adopt: walking meetings.
Dread going to meetings? (Um, don't we all?) They may be mostly unavoidable, but they don’t have to be a waste of your time. With a few simple strategies, you can make meetings work to your advantage, and impress your co-workers while you’re at it.