If I had to choose one surprising thing I’ve learned by talking to people about their career stories, it’s that the term marketing encompasses so much more than I ever imagined. This point was further driven home during a recent casual conversation with The Muse’s own senior marketing manager, Cristina Boehmer, who, I learned has experience in myriad marketing arenas.
Unlike a couple of her friends who graduated college, accepted jobs with large, well-known corporations and quickly became pigeon-holed doing one task, Boehmer started out at a startup. In an environment she describes as “scrappy,” she recalls being “thrown in [to all-things marketing]” and “loving it.”
At the young Chicago company, Boehmer possessed the unique distinction of being the organization’s first marketing hire, a distinction that enabled her to work on all aspects of marketing from brand work, design, events, and writing.
Although she thought maybe San Francisco would be where her career took her next, she ended up in New York City, right here at The Muse. Brought in to build out the B2B side of things, Boehmer found herself alone in an unfamiliar city, where she says, “I didn’t think I knew a single person here.”
A delayed flight (we’re talking hours) the night before she was to start work wasn’t going to stop her from showing up for her first day on time, ready to take on the meaty project that was her newly minted role. Although one day she could see herself leading a marketing team, for now, Boehmer is just stoked to be doing the fast-paced startup thing among other ambitious people.
To hear more about her big move and the skills she thinks are most important to succeed in the industry, keep reading.
What Was the Most Stressful Part of Relocating for This Job?
The most stressful part for me was finding a place to live. I started most of my apartment search from Chicago and quickly realized how difficult it was because I didn’t really know the neighborhoods in New York. I ended up moving into a temporary apartment for one month and doing the search on the ground. It was a pretty stressful month, but I’m glad I took the extra time to find a place where I’d be really happy.
Do You Have Any Career Advice for People Who Are Considering Relocating (Aside From Your Wise Apartment-Search Advice)?
Don’t let the fear of change hold you back. It’s easy to get comfortable with what’s familiar, but change truly creates an opportunity for growth. And if things don’t go as you hoped for? You can always go back.
Relocating’s been an incredibly rewarding experience in so many different ways; I’ve learned new skills at work, met amazing colleagues, made new friends, expanded my professional network, and discovered a new city. If moving for a job helps you accomplish your career goals, it’s something that I would strongly recommend doing.
What Skills, Traits, and Qualities Do You Think Matter Most in Your Position—and in the Marketing Industry in General?
I think the biggest skills are the ability to multitask and work on both creative and analytical projects. Being in marketing at a startup, you wear many different hats so being able to switch gears quickly and prioritize is important.
I also think that curiosity and the desire to learn are important. The marketing industry and technology available are always changing, so it’s critical to keep up with the latest trends.
What’s the Best Part of Your Job Now?
I love that I get to work on projects with different teams. Developing marketing campaigns takes a lot of coordination and collaboration with other departments, and it’s fun to learn a little bit about each function like design, copywriting, and product, while working alongside really talented people at The Muse.
What Are You Looking Forward to Most Right Now at The Muse?
I’ve been working closely with our editorial team to launch some new content initiatives for our clients and prospects which I’m really excited about!
Want to learn more about marketing? Check out a day-in-the-life-of The Muse’s event manager. Or, for those of you still trying to break into the startup world, read this inspiring tale of how one young professional turned her temp role into a full-time one.