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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Work-Life Balance

How to Keep Work From Ruining Your Vacation

Ahhh, vacation. You’ve made it out of the office, successfully arrived at your destination, and settled into the sand with your favorite frozen drink when you hear your phone buzzing on the deck with a new email from your boss. And then a chat from your co-worker asking the same question he asked you last week. And then an email from that client who gets really pushy if you don’t respond right away.

Before you know it, your vacation has become just as stressful as—if not more than!— an average day in the office.

How can you stop the madness? How can you get people to leave you alone while you’re away (or at least resist the urge to answer their emails)?

For starters, check out the links below, and follow the strategies for regaining control of your precious time off.

Want more advice on making the most of your vacay? Check out our suggestions!