You’ve been admiring a particular professional for a really long time, you finally worked up the courage to say hi and ask her to coffee, and she surprisingly said yes! But now the panic sets in: How do you wow your role model without coming off as trying too hard or being a total stalker (especially after looking at her LinkedIn profile at least 10 times)?
Good news: We’ve scoured the web for the best resources to use when you’re asking and meeting an important professional contact for coffee. (It’s actually a pretty easy feat once you know what you’re doing.)
- The hardest part of a coffee meeting is sending an email asking for one. Luckily, here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to craft the best “Wanna grab coffee sometime?” message. (99U)
- If you’re still having trouble putting together your email, here’s one really great example that only takes five sentences. (Lifehacker)
- Having trouble grabbing a slot with someone who just seems super busy all the time? There are ways to get around even the most jam-packed schedules. (Forbes)
- Ever wondered why meeting someone for coffee is the norm? Comedian Jerry Seinfeld breaks down this 21st century contraption. (Fast Company)
- Entrepreneur and venture capitalist Mark Suster encourages people to take 50 coffee meetings. Find out why. (Both Sides of the Table)
- If you’re worried that asking someone to coffee might be too informal, here’s why coffee metings are totally awesome. (LinkedIn)
- The four secrets to a great coffee meeting? Don’t be awkward, stalk, don’t do it out of obligation, and make later plans. (Technori)
- Lastly, have you ever considered just working in a “coffice?” (DailyWorth)
Looking for more advice on how to have awesome coffee meetings? Check out our suggestions!