March has long been my least favorite month. Need me to explain? It’s a long one (31 days!), there are no national holidays (read: no office closures), the weather stinks (you can smell spring, but you can’t feel it yet).
Basically, it’s a brutal period wherein every day can feel like a slog if you don’t have the luxury of taking a long weekend (not to mention the ability to hibernate until April). But just because you won’t be embarking on a Caribbean cruise, it doesn’t mean you can’t make life a little sweeter for the next few weeks.
Self-care isn’t necessarily expensive or time-consuming, but it is good for you.
Ahead, 31 delightful ideas to help you get through every day of your personal and professional journey this month. (Please use your best judgment—some of these are clearly meant to be savored during non-business hours.)
- Write a handwritten card to yourself to open at the end of the month discussing everything you’re excited to do once it’s nice outside.
Make yourself spa water at your desk with cucumbers, mint, or orange slices.
Book a workday breakfast at a fancy spot with a former co-worker you miss (and who might be a great reference down the road).
Spend time browsing for new books—either in a real store (gasp) or online.
Get a 10-minute chair massage.
Order the pricey latte you always pass over in favor of the cheaper coffee.
Call your grandma.
Find a picture of your favorite place and make it your screen saver or phone wallpaper.
Declare a no-technology day—or, more realistically, make an active effort to unplug at least a little bit.
Try a new fitness class—many have a “new student” discount.
Have pancakes for dinner.
Play a board game.
Create a photo album of your favorite pics on your phone that you can look through when you need a pick-me-up.
Take a nap (at work if you’re allowed!).
Skip making dinner and order take-out.
Find a new podcast to listen to on your commute. For your convenience we have 15 suggestions.
Try a new lunch recipe that isn’t a sad desk salad (here are 52 ideas!).
Re-watch an episode of your favorite TV Show.
Check out one of these inspirational TED Talks that are hand-picked for people having a bad day.
Buy one of these stress-relieving toys that’ll fit on your desk.
Sleep in.
Take a personality test.
Eat toast with peanut butter—and butter (trust me).
Go to bed embarrassingly early.
Orchestrate an awesome April Fool’s Day prank.
What ideas do you have for shining light on a tough month? Tweet me and let me know!