It’s common wisdom you shouldn’t bring your work home with you—but that’s a little problematic when your work is at home.
And while wearing sweatpants and setting your own hours are big perks of the work-from-home life, it’s hard to stay focused when you’re on a couch, not in an office.
We understand, so we’ve searched high and low to find you the best online advice for productively working from home.
Five home-office professionals share their secrets on how to make working from home well, work. (Fast Company)
Getting a plant is just one of these 10 out-of-the-box hacks for a productive home work environment. (Lifehack)
One of the best ways to stay on-task is to stay away from personal tasks. (Entrepreneur)
Got kids? One mother explains how she works from home without losing her mind. (The Art of Simple)
Microsoft’s “Crabby Office Lady” debunks the myths of telecommuting. (Office.com)
The fridge is only a short walk away, so it can be easy to just mindlessly much all day long. Here’s how to beat the at-home hunger pangs. (Lifehacker)
Feeling lonely can really hamper your efficiency. Here’s how to battle those feelings of isolation. (Inc.)
Dressing up can put you into work mode—but then why bother working from home? Here are three stylish yet insanely cozy outfits (for the ladies) so you can get the best of both worlds. (Woman’s Day)
And for the men: Esquire has five looks that perfectly straddle the line between comfort and class. (Esquire)
And finally, the 10 commandments of working from home will help you really make the most of it. (LinkedIn)
Want more? Check out some of our articles on working remotely!