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Advice / Job Search / Interviewing

Here’s Exactly What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do With Your Hands in an Interview


If you’ve never thought about your hands during an interview, chances are you’re pretty confident in yourself and your demeanor—and I applaud you.

But if you’re like me, and figuring out where to rest them while speaking to someone is (for some strange reason) a difficult decision, don’t fret—it’s actually a pretty important aspect of your body language. This part of your body can show sincerity, confidence, and trust, but can also display dominance, secrecy, or impatience, depending on how you present yourself. A.k.a., your hands can say a lot about who you are—and if you’re the right person for the job.

So really everyone should probably watch this Buisness Insider video because there’s a handful of signals you might be sending off just from the waist up.