You know how important your employer brand is for marketing your company and attracting the best-fit talent you want (and need) on your team.
But, there’s one important question that often goes unanswered: Where exactly does your employer brand come from?
If you’re not in the mood for a pop quiz, we’ll give you the answer: Your employer brand comes directly from your employer value proposition.
Wait...what? Don’t those two terms mean the exact same thing?
While they’re often used interchangeably, there’s actually a notable difference between them (and they’re really quite complementary). Your EVP encompasses all of the things that make your company a special place to work—things like your vision, your values, and your culture.
Then, with that overarching foundation in place, you can determine which of those elements you most want to highlight and emphasize. You market only those externally, and that becomes your employer brand.
In short, your EVP is the whole pie, and your employer brand is just a slice.
Make sense? That’s great, but there’s probably one more question looming in the back of your mind: If an EVP is where you should get started, how do you define your own?
Luckily, our latest ebook digs into everything you need to know to craft an authentic and compelling EVP. We cover all of the nitty gritty details you need—from where you should be doing the research to how you should pull key themes together.
The best part is: We’re confident these steps work because we followed them to craft our own EVP here at The Muse. We even share our EVP statements as an example at the end of the ebook, so you can see how this all comes together.
Get your hands on our new ebook right here and prepare to roll up your sleeves and get to work on your own EVP.