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Advice / Succeeding at Work / Break Room

You Need to Enter This Contest if You've Ever Thought About Hosting a Podcast

podcast host
Jasper Cole/Getty Images

I never thought I had a shot at being famous. I’m a horrible actress, I sing best in the shower, and I’ve never had a special physical talent besides the ability to fall asleep in moving vehicles (hey, that takes skill).

That is, until I discovered podcasts. I was fascinated by how just recording yourself speaking could make waves and start a trending conversation. And I couldn’t help thinking, “Hey, I could totally do this.” Which is why it’s no surprise thousands of podcasts have launched in the past few years by just about everyone—from the most famous to the average American.

So when I got an email in my inbox about Squarespace’s new podcast contest with Gimlet Creative, I was almost drawn to entering—but decided I should probably write about it instead (I know my strengths enough to realize I’m really better on paper).

But it seemed like the perfect thing share with our Muse readers since we’re always encouraging you all to go after your dreams in whatever way makes the most sense for you (yep, that means pursuing it full-time or just setting aside a few hours for it every weekend). This seems like a perfect chance for someone to actually make that happen! You can check out the submission details here.

And whether you decide to enter (go you!) or just feel inspired to try something new, use this as a reminder that it’s never too late to pick up a side gig. For one thing, it can be extra source of income. For another thing, it challenges you to improve yourself, ultimately making you better at your current job. Finally, it lets you practice your passion when your day job doesn’t. No wonder more than 44 million Americans live that side hustle life.

Need a little more encouragement? This article and this one can help you start taking steps today to make it happen.

Full disclosure: Squarespace is a current client of The Muse.