You’re short on sleep. You have a busy morning ahead. And it’s so tempting to hit that snooze button—one more time—and just skip breakfast.
Don’t do it.
Having breakfast is the best thing you can do for yourself in the morning—even if you're tired. Eating early starts your metabolism, revs up your energy, and puts you on pace for a good day.
Try these great breakfast ideas: healthy and quick, so you won’t miss out on too much of that delicious delicacy: sleep.
Easy and portable, yogurt comes in a variety of flavors and promises never to bore. Try a yogurt higher in protein, like Greek yogurt. Avoid adding extra fat and carbohydrates by choosing a light or fat-free yogurt with no added sugar.
Even if it doesn’t really “stick to your ribs,” oatmeal is a reliable breakfast option for a time-starved young professional. It’s easy to make, and you can stir in protein-rich additions (like nuts) to keep you healthy. Or try adding low-carb vanilla protein powder, a delicious supplement that brings a touch of sweetness.
Egg whites
These delicious and healthy egg-parts will scramble in under five minutes, and pack plenty of protein. Plus, you can always mix in last night’s leftover vegetables for a well-balanced start to the day.
More Breakfast Tips