You just got called into an interview for a nursing job—congrats! You’re probably thrilled, but also feeling a bit panicked, wondering “What are they going to ask me?” or “How will I handle a question I don’t know how to answer?” Not to worry— we’ve got inside information on common nursing interview questions so you’ll be prepped for anything that comes your way.
First, you’re going to get a lot of general interview questions such as “Tell me about yourself”, “Why is there a gap in your employment history?”, or “Why do you want this job?”. Be sure you know how to answer those basics with ease. Second, while you want to present yourself in the best light possible, you don’t want to lie about your past experience.
“Every hospital, every healthcare company wants nurses that are ethical and have integrity,” says Greg Musto, Chief Executive Officer at The Roman Healthcare Group, who’s spent over eight years recruiting candidates for roles in healthcare. So if they see an inconsistency in your employment history or on your resume, “it draws red flags immediately.”
“I always tell our candidates, be 100% honest,” Musto says. “Don’t hide a job that didn’t go well, because it’s going to come back up and it’s going to look like you’re being dishonest.”
Overall, hiring managers are looking for several things in candidates, says Raymond Dacillo, Director of Operations at C-Care Health Services: “Professionalism, attention to detail, critical thinking, time management, and communication. Our questions usually revolve around these attributes.”
10 common nursing interview questions—and how to answer them
Here are some common interview questions for nurses you may be asked during your job-seeking journey, as well as some advice for how you can answer them (and pass the test with flying colors!).
The more interviews you get, the better your chances of getting hired—apply now to these amazing nurse jobs on The Muse »
1. Why did you pursue nursing?
Healthcare hiring managers care about passion—for nursing, for quality patient care and safety, and for making a positive impact on people’s lives.
“Passion is probably one of the most important things,” says Musto. “There are so many times where it comes down to two candidates, both equally qualified, and they will always take the candidate with more passion about why they’re doing what they’re doing.”
If a nurse isn’t in love with their field, Musto points out, they won’t work well with others, and they also won’t work well with patients.
How to answer it
Explain what drew you to nursing from a mission standpoint. What do you love most about it? What gets you excited about the field? What is it about taking care of patients that resonates with you? Don’t be afraid to tie it back to a personal anecdote, such as a childhood experience or a relative who was a nurse.
(These three women’s stories about why they choose a career path in medicine might inspire your own pitch.)
2. How do you handle workplace stress?
Nursing can be a physically and emotionally taxing career, so it’s important for interviewers to see that you know how to balance work and life. And that you’ll be able to take care of yourself—no matter how grueling the work gets—so that you can come back the next day ready to continue to perform.
“Every day you’re opening the obituaries and seeing a patient that you treated for 10 years, or you’re seeing that mom who had three small kids who died of breast cancer,” says Emily Hershey, BSN, RN, Executive Search Consultant of Clinical Nursing at The Roman Healthcare Group. So when she’s interviewing candidates, she wants to know how they deal with and overcome “compassion fatigue.”
Underneath this question, she says, she really wants to know: “How do you handle your emotions changing in a matter of 30 seconds, and be able to go from room to room? And then be able to go home to be with your spouse and children?” Overall, good nurses have strong emotional intelligence—about their patients, sure, but also about themselves.
How to answer it
There’s no right or wrong answer to this: Just explain how you’ve learned to cope with the stresses and exhaustion of the job. Do you exercise? Bake? Unplug with a good movie and some quality family time?
Bonus: Adding a couple specific examples of times you’ve had to overcome an especially emotional situation or day can make your answer even stronger.
3. How would you handle a crisis?
As Musto says, dealing with crises in other industries may be an exception to the rule, but in healthcare, “it’s the norm.”
This is especially the case for emergency nurses, who have to work speedily to get patients in and out of the ER and be able to change course at the drop of a hat, while also maintaining steady compassion and quality of care.
Questions like this one, as well as many of the other questions on this list, are asked because interviewers don’t just want to hear that you can handle stress—but that you’ve handled it before and came out the other side unscathed.
How to answer it
“You need to be prepared to give examples of your work,” Musto says. Think of a time when a crisis developed in a past job. How did you react? “I panicked and left” or “I hate stress so I just avoid it” or “I let my staff take care of it” won’t cut it. You want to come across as someone who can handle anything calmly, strategically, and proactively.
Hint: Try using the STAR method—Situation, Task, Action, Result—to outline your answer. It’s the best way to structure a response to just about any behavioral question you’re asked, such as “Tell me about a time when...” or “Give me an example of….”
4. How would you deal with someone who’s not satisfied with their patient care?
This often has to do with patient satisfaction scores. Hospitals and healthcare centers can lose millions of dollars on a poor rating, so they want to hire nurses who will guarantee their patients continue to be pleased with their overall experience.
Of course, it’s not just about money—compassion plays a key role in this question, too.
Finally, Dacillo says, “We ask these questions to find out how their problem-solving skills are and how they can address confrontation.”
How to answer it
You want to show that you can maintain stellar patient care (and a level head) in even the most difficult of situations. Building off a past experience can help answer this question, or you can choose a hypothetical situation and explain step-by-step what you would do to solve the issue.
“Usually what I like to hear is they’re actively listening to what the patient or family member is saying, and can explain to them that they understand their frustration and they’re going to review their case and speak with other colleagues,” Dacillo says.
5. How do you handle working with other nurses, doctors, and staff?
Nursing can be a highly collaborative field, and hiring managers want to see that you can get along well with the rest of the team no matter what’s thrown your way.
How to answer it
Very important: Don’t just say “I’m a huge team player.” Show how you’ve been one by giving concrete examples of ways you’ve positively worked with and contributed to a team.
Also, make it clear you actually like working with doctors and other nurses. Talking badly about old colleagues or emphasizing how you’re always right and everyone else is wrong probably won’t go over well with the interviewer.
6. How would you handle a disease outbreak?
This isn’t just a behavioral question to test how you’d deal with this scenario—it’s also a skills-based question. Yes, your resume may show you’re qualified in certain areas. But your interview is just as important a place to flex your expertise—especially if it’s not clear on your application you can do the work.
“Outbreaks are huge these days, because antibiotics resistance is huge,” Musto says. “More and more things are coming into our country that antibiotics can’t cure or have a hard time curing.” A qualified nurse is expected to be trained to notice the signs when something unusual is happening in a patient and to know how to proceed with care.
How to answer it
Walk them through a hypothetical situation (or a real one if you have experience dealing with an outbreak before) and what steps and precautions you’d take, leaning on your training to explain what is and isn’t procedure, why you’re taking each step, and how you’d work with others to solve the problem.
7. If you saw someone administering improper medicine, what would you do?
What they really want to know is if you’d do something. Because it all comes down to a patient’s safety. Someone who’s willing to confront or report another colleague—no matter what their level—to protect a patient has the integrity that makes for a great nurse.
“What they’re looking for is collaborative skills, so not just coming down on somebody but really winning them over with the right personality in order to change behavior,” Musto says.
Being a standout nurse isn’t just about doing the right thing on a small scale, but about being able to influence and create positive change on a larger scale. Plus, knowing how to successfully give feedback to others shows you know how to work with and lead a team.
How to answer it
Draw from past personal experience—whether dealing with this direct issue or a similar one where you had to confront a coworker. Using the STAR method, outline what the situation was, what your role was in it, what action you took (and why), and the result of that action.
The goal? To show that A. you’d take action and B. you’d do it in a way that would encourage the person to listen to you, change their behavior, and be more thoughtful going forward.
8. Do you have [skill/certification]/Do you have experience doing [procedure]?
Again, not everything is completely clear on an application, so many interviewers like to check your hard skills, whether that’s your experience working with certain healthcare record software, inserting IVs, or performing CPR. They also want to ensure you have the proper licensing needed to jump in and get started right away (versus needing to take extra courses or get extra training).
How to answer it
Hopefully this should be pretty straightforward to answer, yes-or-no style. But don’t just stop at saying “yes”—prove you actually know how to do it (and do it well) by giving examples of when you put this skill into practice on the job.
“Whatever’s on paper is easy to write down, but to explain it and provide examples is a different story,” Dacillo says. And if the answer is no, don’t lie. Instead, admit to what you don’t know and focus on what skills you do bring to the table.
Hint: Use the job description to prepare for the kinds of skills and certifications they might ask about. (Here's how to read a job description the right way.)
9. How have you dealt with conflict?
In the nursing career, conflicts can arise at any time. Whether it involves a dissatisfied family member, a difficult patient, or disagreements with colleagues or doctors, stressful situations are quite common. That's why interviewers may want to hear about a time you dealt with conflict to assess your problem-solving skills.
How to answer it
Now isn't the time to dwell on your weaknesses. Rather, showcase your capability to handle conflict calmly and logically. Think about a specific situation where you effectively resolved a conflict, and use an anecdote to strengthen your response—again, employing the STAR method would come in handy.
10. How would your peers describe you?
No matter where you work as a nurse, it's crucial to get along with the healthcare team. Hiring managers may ask what your peers think of you to see if you're a team player or pleasant to work with.
How to answer it
Of course, you should paint yourself in a good light. Think of strong work-related adjectives, such as leader, team player, dynamic, and thoughtful. (Here are 125+ words to describe yourself in a job interview, resume, and more.)
Keep your answer concise but include an example to back it up—after all, your former colleagues and bosses aren't there to confirm what you're saying. For example, “My coworkers often say I am a proactive person, because during [situation], I quickly [action] to [conclusion/result].”
11. Are you a good leader?
Leadership skills are key in virtually every role in every industry—including in a nursing career. In patient care, there are times when you must act quickly and take charge. So hiring managers need to know if you're up to the task.
How to answer it
Like most behavioral questions, this one requires you to share an anecdote to illustrate your leadership skills. It doesn't have to be strictly from a professional context—you could mention a college or community project you led—but a work-related situation would be ideal.
12. Tell me about yourself
This is one of the most common job interview questions. Typically asked at the very beginning of the interview, it gives you the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to the interviewer. Even though it's a simple question, your answer can show a lot: if you have effective communication skills, if you're self aware, and how prepared you are for the interview.
How to answer it
Needless to say, you shouldn't share random facts about yourself. Instead, provide a brief summary of who you are as a professional, highlighting your experience, skills, and accomplishments.
For instance, you could say, “I'm a registered nurse with [years of experience] working in hospitals with [type of patients]. I graduated from [college] in [year]. My first nursing job was at [hospital/facility], and my last role was at [hospital/facility], where I developed [skills] and achieved [accomplishments].”
13. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
That's another broad and common question an interviewer might bring up in a nursing job interview. Like the one above, this question also tests your self-awareness and ability to communicate.
How to answer it
Answering these questions can be tricky because you might mention a weakness that's important for the job, or a strength that's not necessarily relevant—which isn't ideal. So, prepare an honest answer that doesn't jeopardize your chances of getting hired.
Good strengths for a nurse include handling stress well, being an effective communicator, being a problem solver, or being proactive. When it comes to weaknesses, think about a skill or ability that isn't crucial for a nurse's job performance, like public speaking or struggling with self-criticism, for example.
14. Why did you apply to us?
We all know that the biggest motivation to apply for a job is usually money—we all have bills to pay, after all. However, the interviewer wants to know what else, besides the salary and benefits package, caught your eye.
How to answer it
This is the moment to show that you've researched the company. Mention relevant aspects of their culture, values, or mission that attracted you to them. Whenever you can, link these aspects of their business with your professional aspirations.
15. Do you have future career plans/What are your professional goals?
Hiring managers often like to assess a candidate's ambitions and expectations to see if they align with the company's long-term mission and goals. These questions can sometimes replace the traditional “Where do you see yourself in five years?” depending on your career level or stage of life, for example.
How to answer it
Your answer doesn't need to be super detailed unless the interviewer asks for more information. Briefly mention a career goal and tie it to the company or job posting. For instance, you could mention your intention to specialize in different types of nursing or a specific nursing field that the hospital or facility is known for.
16. What motivates you?
As a nurse, you bear partial responsibility for patients' health and lives. Your daily routine involves dealing with difficult cases, caring for severely ill people of all ages and backgrounds, and, at times, experiencing loss. Given this, you might get asked about what motivates you to come to work every day.
How to answer it
Focus on why you choose to be a nurse or what professional and emotional rewards you get from your job. Do you enjoy helping people? Do you feel fulfilled when you improve someone's life? Are you motivated by contributing to a patient's recovery?
Questions to ask in a nursing interview
Be sure to bring some questions of your own—and not just “How much does this job pay?” You should be interviewing them to see if it’s a good fit, too! Here are some examples of questions to ask in a nursing interview:
1. How do you like working here?
2. What medical record systems would I be using?
3. Do you provide training? What type?
4. How long is the training period?
5. What are some challenges nurses currently face here?
6. How would you describe the management style of this unit?
7. What are the staffing ratios here?
8. Who would I report to?
9. What is your overtime policy?
10. How is the nurses' success measured in performance reviews?
11. Do you have protocols for dealing with difficult patients?
12. What's the next step in the interview process?
Other notes about nursing interview questions and answers
Hershey notes that while being prepared and having well thought-out, confident answers are crucial to passing your nursing interview, it’s also important not to forget the basics, such as showing up on time, dressing appropriately (no, you don’t have to wear scrubs), and sending a thank you note afterward.
“Appearance is huge for us. In fact, our interview actually starts in the waiting room,” Dacillo says. First impressions mean everything, so you’ll want to nail yours.
If you need more tips, read our guide to everything to know about nursing interviews. And lean on your network for support. If you know of people who’ve encountered nursing interviews before, they can provide you with some questions they’ve faced or help you prepare appropriate answers or stories.
And remember: No matter how you choose to phrase your answers, Musto emphasizes that being a nurse is “not just a numbers game” in terms of treating patients and getting them out the door. Even if your job is to sit in an office and not interact with anyone, compassion still matters:
“A nurse is truly an integral part of the healing process, so having nurses [who] understand that and how to relate to patients and the people around them and be compassionate is crucial.” If you weave that thread into everything you talk about, you’re likely to hit the right note.
Amanda Cardoso contributed to the latest version of this article.